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"Come on, guys!" Said Frankie as we ran into the normie school. As I was running, I almost tripped on a random rock. "Ah! Crabs!" I stumble towards Lagoona.

One of Deuce's snakes had a camera on their head— which was adorable— to see if there's anybody— particularly Holt— inside.

Lagoona watched the camera from her iCoffin with Abbey by her side. Frankie stood by Deuce. And I was on the lookout.

"You see anything?" Frankie asked Lagoona. "No mate. Nothing." Frankie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I don't get it, he should be right here." She points to the blinding red dot on her iCoffin.

"Maybe he up to dirty business."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"No! Mean literally. Look!"

She points to the Janitor's closet in the camera. "The Janitor's closet!"

Frankie slams the door open. We saw "sneaky" footsteps go across the room. "Holt! Whatever it is you're doing, stop!" Frankie turns the light on and revealed Jackson crouching in fear.


"Hey, um, what are you guys doing here?"

We fully enter the room with Deuce quietly shutting the door. "We came to tell you— uh... Holt, to knock it off. Your pranks are making everyone crazy!"

Jackson waved both of his hands up in defense. "Hey-Hey slow down. I didn't do it!" I shifted uncomfortably.

"Come on. It's all over Holt's Critter page mate." Lagoona showed him Holt's Critter page. "I didn't make that! Look, someone is framing me!—"

Frankie pointed accusingly at him. "And you haven't turned into Holt at all? You're sure?" He nervously fiddles with his fingers.

"Well there have been a couple of times I couldn't help but—"

"Sheriff! They're in here!"

We all turn to the door and it just bursts open, revealing policeman and the Van Hellscream brat. "Now I've got you!" We all stare in shock.

"My monster watch committee saw them when we were out on patrol. Behold, your monster." She held up a radio and turned on music.

Jackson covered his ears, but soon turned into Holt. The officer smirked and walked towards Holt. "You've been hiding here all along. You're coming with me." He growled.

"I didn't do it."

"Ah. You'll be needing these."

He snaps the headphones onto Holt's ears; Holt yelps in fear. "Come on. Let's go." They take him away. 'Ah damn... why didn't I do anything?!'

"After everything that happened, everything we've warned you about, you have the wrong nerve to go back over there." We all looked down in shame. 'Had to do it for Jackson... Or Holt... But we failed...'

"Two months in school detention. All of you. And if you pull a stunt like this again, you will be expelled from Monster High." We all look at her in fear.

Her iCoffin rings, which she picks up. "Hello?" The person told her something I couldn't understand since it was too quiet and incoherent. "No I'm not I—" Another silence. "WHAT?"

She quickly turns on the news. We all turn to the screen and watch.

"Monsters think that they can just come into our town and do whatever they want. Well I say NO MORE. It's time we got back to the true meaning of this holiday! Putting monsters in their places!"

The camera shows Holt in a cage, the human sheriff being dramatic, and a smug Van Hellshit by him. We all shifted uncomfortably in our spots.

"And that's why I declare on this Halloween that this criminal here shall be given the worst possible punishment for man or monster!"

Van Hellscream's face turned into shock and concern. A tad bit of guilt lingering on her face.

"At dusk on Halloween night, we shall all join together and haul this creature to the top of the hill, where he will be given The Trick-or-Treatment."

We all gasp at that. 'Ah shit that's the death sentence for monsters! It hasn't been used in two centuries.' I clutch on my thorns in frustration and fear.

A huge machine approaches the sheriff from behind. "Yes, a Trick-or-Treatment so horrible, it hasn't been used on a monster in 200 years!" On cue, a pumpkin head drops from the machine. "Well, let this boy serve as a reminder to all of them what Halloween is really about!"

Bloodgood turns it off. "We have to do—" She said to the person on the line. "But I don't think—" Her face turns into guilt. "Yes. I remember... Yes... I understand..."

She got off the phone and turned to us. "The monster elder council has decided to do... nothing." I narrow my eyes. "Holt must take his punishment." I scoff.

"Are you serious?! They fucking started it and hey, we aren't giving THEM the death penalty. But when one monster does it, they get a horrible death penalty— and that's a "punishment"? It's literally the end. They want him to die for something he probably didn't even do?!"

"Y/n, please calm down."

"Fuck this. I'm going home."

I angrily walked towards the door. "Y/n if you walk through that door—" I turn around with my eyes flared up. "You'll what? Expel me? Yeah. Way worse than getting the Trick-Or-Treatment." I open the door and walked through it before slamming it shut.

I walked through the halls with the darkest aura surrounding me. Monsters already knew what to do and they stayed far from me.

My eyes looked side to side before spotting Cleo. I walk up to her. She caught sight of me and gulped. I stand in front of her, looking down. "Is this what you wanted? Huh? Are you happy with the attention?" She didn't say anything. I scoff.

I opened the doors and was greeted by, "Uncle Amenadiel." He sighs. "I got the call. Your dad is working on a case." I scoff. "Didn't ask for one." I was about to step out but he stopped me.

"Look I understand that you're hurt and angry. But please, don't risk this." I raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry Uncle. But until you actually know how to talk to me, go away."

I moved left, to which he blocked me again. "You have smart friends right? I'm sure they won't let that happen. I know you can probably destroy a town with just one incantation but we won't risk that. That's mass murder. At least... hear your friends out." I bit my tongue, in thought of the suggestion.

"I just... need to breathe. I hate the humans in this town. Why didn't they just leave us alone? Now they've got a pissed off hybrid with a school of supernatural monsters on their normie ass."

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