Game 1. Anon/Edwin & Erin

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(These 2 are my Watch Dogs OCs with Erin being a Gem from Steven Universe)

The sounds of lights buzzing and muffled groans can be heard inside a small dark room. In it, is the vigilante, Edwin Grey, otherwise known as Anon, strapped to a chair with a device around his head which connects to his mouth. His groans begin slowing as he opens up his eyes to look around his surroundings.

 His groans begin slowing as he opens up his eyes to look around his surroundings

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(Reverse beartrap 2.0)

Anon: "Hm? huh?! MMF! AARGH!"

He struggles against the tape on his wrists as he looks around with the device on his head. He stops to think about the situation before looking around the room once more. Next to him, an old TV turns on with a static screen at first. He turns to face it and a pale doll with dark and red eyes with spirals on his cheek looks at Anon.

Billy: "Hello. You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game. You and your girlfriend have been illegally fighting crime through the only way you know, vigilantism. You murder criminals just as they've murdered innocent people. Now, you might be wondering, what's that on your head? I'll show you, watch."

Next to him, is the same contraption, except it's on a mannequin's head where a timer is heard beeping and then, the beeps stop. Suddenly, the mannequin's face gets torn open from the mouth and the mannequin breaks.

Anon: "AH! AAH!"

Billy: "The device around your head is hooked into your upper and lower jaws. When it goes off, it will rip your mouth open. Like a reverse beartrap. As for your girlfriend, however... She has a device on her back that will fire a rod to the gemstone on her nape, which will impale and kill her."

Then, the sounds of female grunts are heard and Anon looks at the corner of the room to see Erin with her hands tied to her back and she looks and sees Anon.


Anon: "NGH! HAGH!!"

Billy: "The keys to these contraptions are inside a body of a third person in the room with you. Once you step up from your seat, the 2-minute countdown to these devices will begin. Live or die, make your choice."

The TV turns off, and Anon begins struggling, eager to escape. He manages to break free from the left armrest before pulling on the right one. He succeeds and gets up, and then a beep goes off.

Anon: "Ah!"


Anon: "UGH! HUH!"

The time on the back of the device is now 1:51 seconds. Erin gets up before looking around for the third person in the room. Anon does the same, following her and they see the third person in the corner of the room, on the ground, not moving.

Anon: "HEH!"

Erin: "I see him, let's go!"

The vigilante couple moves forward where they see him where he looks to be paralyzed. The 2 remember what the puppet said which was that the keys are inside him.

Erin: "Inside...inside..."

She and Anon look around and their eyes immediately lock onto a small blade on the floor beside the man's head. The 2's eyes widen as they see that he's awake and unable to move while looking around and at the 2.

Man: " Mmm!"

Anon: "Uhh. Ngh!"

He looks at Erin's device on her back to see the timer's now on 1:30. They've got a minute and a half left, time's running out fast. Anon picks it up and Erin looks in shock, seeing what they have to do. Cut the man open.

Erin: "No...we..."

She hesitates and looks back at the man and at Erin to see the timer now at 1:10. She gulps before glancing at the man again to see that there's no other choice. She looks at Edwin and nods.

Erin: "I...I don't see another option...I don't think you do too."

Anon flips the blade upside down, having it face the man's stomach before raising it. The paralyzed man looks in shock and he screams as Anon strikes the man's stomach with the blade as Erin backs up a bit and watches the desperation in Edwin's eyes as he's eager to get the 2 of them out.




He stops after stabbing the man the 8th time and tossing the blade aside before digging into his guts to look for the keys to their devices. Erin covers her mouth, disgusted while Anon grits his teeth-- well, the hooks as he searches through, showing some disgust and remorse for his actions.

He then feels something in the man's intestine, something hard and has some sharp ends. He grabs it out and it reveals to be a key. He tries it on his lock, no luck. He tosses it to Erin quickly and sees that the timer's now on 0:45 seconds left

Anon: "HUH?! UGH!"

He swiftly searches through the corpse again, through the intestines and he sees Erin taking off her killing contraption and tosses it aside, now freed. She looks and sees Anon struggling and she scrunched her hand before punching the ground out of frustration. She moves and quickly decides to help him out.

Erin: "Come on! Come on! COME THE FUCK ON!"

She starts panicking slightly, searching through the organs and she feels something and grabs a key from the man's intestine. She tosses it to Anon who catches it and he quickly grabs his lock and tries putting the key in.

Anon: "HUGH!"

He manages to and quickly tries turning it as the timer's now on 10 seconds. He turns the key, unlocking it before taking the lock off and he takes off the 'reverse bear trap' in time and throws it aside, saving himself from the trap as it goes off.

Anon: "AAH! FUUCK!!!"

He hisses in a bit of pain as some blood leaks from his jaw. Erin moves over and she holds Anon by his waist, trying to comfort him, seeing as they've both nearly died. He takes some breaths to calm himself down as Erin clings to him for support.

In front of them, a light shows up from behind a curtain, and out comes the doll from the TV, now riding a little tricycle.

Billy: "Congratulations, you survived..."

Anon: "I'll...break your puppateer's neck you SON OF A BITCH!"

He tries to get up but Erin holds him tightly, not wanting to get him killed, fearing that the puppet may have something up its sleeve. Behind he puppet, a door opens up and it's revealed to be the exit that leads outside. The 2 vigilantes glance at the puppet once more before deciding to leave. Anon shakily walks as Erin helps him out by having him wrap an arm around her shoulder.

Upon exiting, the door closes behind the duo as the game ends.

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