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The Color of Fate

December 24th, 2015


Christmas Eve is the worst time to work at a hospital. Not because of the fact that you are missing out on your holiday fun, but because you have to watch peoples’ lives come apart on the one day you really hope they wouldn’t. It sucks, but I take comfort in the fact that I can at least make the night better for those unfortunate enough to be here.

After all, I have nowhere else to be.

Lisa is in Danville with her parents. It’s the last night of Hanukkah, and I already called to wish her a happy celebration with her family, so truly I have nothing better to do than work.

And work I most certainly have done.

So far tonight the ER has been hopping. We’ve had three ladder falls from late night Christmas light fixes, an electrocution, too. A dog bite, four cases of frostbite, and sixteen people being treated for injuries related to fights. Oh, and a really mouthy drunk woman, who lovingly refers to me as ‘korean bitch’.

It is seriously turning out to be a marvelous Christmas.

When I finally have a moment to breathe, I stroll into the break room to get a snack and I see Ryan with his head in the fridge. I clear my throat. “Stealing more food?”

When he pulls back he is chewing on a chicken strip from Claudia’s lunch and opening up a Red Bull. “What’s it to ya, korean bitch?”

His grin puts a smile on my face. I can tell that one is gonna follow me for a while.

“Claudia packs like eight meals everyday so she can spare a chicken strip, I’m sure.”

I shake my head at him, moving to the vending machine. I pull free a dollar from the pocket of my scrubs and feed the machine.

“Whatcha getting?”

I stare at the choices. “I don’t know.”

“You should get Gummi Bears.”

“I want something salty.”

I can feel his expression heat the back of my neck. “Don’t be a pervert,” I warn, but before I make a selection, Ryan hits a button and I whip out to smack him. “You dick.”

The machine spits out it’s offering. “Damn it, really. Of all the shit in there.” He just laughs as I bend over to get the little sugary morsels. “You are the reason that most of us have sworn not to have children.”

Ryan scoffs. “I’m awesome and you all love it. I make sure you don’t do your stupid girly indecisive thing.” He gulps down his energy drink and then measures me silently.
“Speaking of indecisive, what’s up with you and that girl?”

I’m chewing on a bear, and it apparently wasn’t a bad choice after all because I’m enjoying it. “Lisa?”

He laughs. “Yeah. Do you have five of them or something, player?”

“No.” I wave him off with a grin. “No, just one. Things are good.”

Ryan grins lecherously. “How good?”

“None of your business.”

He deflates. “Oh, come on. I’d tell you.” Much to my chagrin, yes, he tells me far too much about his conquests.

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