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June 27, 1997 - Christiana Hospital

I awoke to the sounds of hospital equipment and then the sounds of my parents.

"Lou she's awake! Oh hi, honey, we missed you so much!"

Something was different about Mom it wasn't her face hair or anything it was how she spoke to me in pure English I guess that's what I get for hearing a different language for 2½ years. 

I immediately panic looking around for my son, my tiny infant son. "Mom I've missed you too but where the absolute fucking hell is my son?"

She looks at me bewildered by my unexpected question.

"You mean to tell me that the tiny baby I was holding was my first grandchild?"

"Yea Mom I pushed him out two days ago, it's not rocket science. And I thought you survived childbearing."

Stepdad pops into our conversation trying to be the peacemaker just like Até a silent tear slips down my cheek as I mourn the loss. A nurse comes inside the sterile bleached room holding my son in Jasmine's blanket.

"Sorry for the delay we had to do some tests on this little cutie." The nurse apologizes to which I simply lift out my arms for my baby.

"Oh come to mommy Caleb."

Officially placed in my arms where he belonged,
"Oh, my sweet little warrior just like your daddy Akecheta." 

My parents pause at Akecheta's name contemplating whether I've been raped or I was being serious, especially since when my doctor came in to confirm the baby daddy is what I've been telling them this whole time. 

Mom faints Lou just walks out of the room leaving me there staring into my son's hazel eyes wiping away tears from my own.

"If only your dad came with us we could be a happy normal family." He smiles making me tear up more oh Akecheta you will get to see your son I promise. Die trying...

Credits to dojacant for the wonderful trailer!

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