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We ate a sandwich because thats all we could find. It was already eight and of course I needed to take take shower. My skin felt like glue. "Can I take a shower?"
I asked while eatting the last nib of my bread "Sure." He said and continued to eat. Is he dumb. "Uh you know I need a towel and clothes right?" I said kicking my feet.

He turned his face up
"Oh yeah follow me" He said putting down the sandwich. I heard rain dripping from outside. While I was walking I would hear the floor have a subtle movement. But I wouldn't mind. "He ya go" He tossed me the things. He threw it to my face I rolled my eyes and went in the restroom.
I stripped down my clothes slowly feeling the cold breeze air hit my skin.

I breathed in and went in the shower.


She's in MY shower. MY shower.
Oh gosh. I just checked to look if the doors open and it has a Crack open a little. I slowly got up ducking down. And looked between the crack of the door. Since my shower curtains are clear but blurry. I could see her figure
And beatiful body she has. I just wish and can hold her and call her mine.

Oh shit.

My dicks hard. Again..

I rolled my eyes and groaned while walking to the bed grabbing a pillow and covering it. I heard the shower turn off and just grabbed a magazine and read it..


and I saw the door was cracked. I looked and saw him reading a playboy magazine. Dumb fuck.
I closed the door quietly and proceeded to put the clothes on. He gave me some sweat pants but there a dark forest emerald green. And he also gave a me and huge plain white tee. I walked out I saw him look up and I saw his eyes sparkle. He opens his mouth a little. "D-do you wanna uh go to bed know.?" He said awkwardly. I nodded and stood there. "Well?" I said having my eyebrows up "Sleep with me" He said blankly while shrugging. "You sure?" I asked just in case you never know. He nodded.

I sat down awkwardly. He had a pillow still by his stomach. He saw I was looking and held I tighter. "You good?"
"Mhm" He said while putting his head back I could see his Adam's apple. Damn thats hot as fuck. "Stop staring" He said which caught me off guard. "Not until you actually tell me what wrong." He sighed.

He got another pillow and threw it at my face. I gasped "You bitch!" I got the pillow and started hitting him He used the back of his arm for protection. He grabbed it and threw it and started tickling me. I was laughing so hard until I got tired "Stop tickling mother fucker" you got tired to and stopped. You grabbed the pillow in between his legs and I was gonna hit him with it but covered up where his. You know was.

"Wait, do you have a boner?!" I yelled "Shut up" he breathed out blankly and snached the pillow then put it back on his erection. He layed down and turned off the lamp next to him. He faced the wall. And I was facing his back. I heard a loud storm outside. I love them .

I was cold this damn thin ass blanket wasn't gonna do nothing. "Vance I'm cold." I said while my arms held together. He faced me and opened his arms slightly. I scooted by him He was spooning me.

He so muscular. His muscles around my chest amazing. Not gonna lie but this was.making my blush and shit.
His head was in the crook of my neck
I had a big smile on my face. I liked him this way


Will he be like this in public or only around her?

Bro there's this book by one of my good readers we started talking and thought of a book. Know if you LOVE LOVE The Sandlot AND The Black phone, you'll love this book. I sorta just came with the idea for the beginning but on and on is her writing. I am so excited to see her write more. Give her some hype shawtyisbaefr called Loser Or Lover..
Word count: 751

Obsession - 18+ -Vance Hopper x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now