3 - Fortuitous Sentimentality

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Yuuna mentally sulked as he walked down the east end street with a hint of grumpiness in his steps, occasionally dodging the moving crowd and vehicles.

Orario was a circular city divided into eight sections like a pie, and separating said sections were also eight main roads that all congregated in the center, where the Babel tower was located.

Speaking of the tower, turns out the people weren't exaggerating when they said that it was so high it could reach the clouds, cause it did just that. It supposedly had 50 levels, with only the wealthiest and most prominent able to afford to rent or live on one of the floors.

It was actually quite a sight to behold-

'What am I doing?' Yuuna rapidly shook his head to regain his bearings.

The sight of so many people of different races, buildings of various sizes side by side, all the way down to the massive white colosseum in the distance to his right, overwhelmed him a little, but that won't stop him from acting on his current situation. While he had come to Orario at Joel's suggestion to explore and to experience what it's like to live in such a place, he needed to get his priorities straight.

First off, he needed to get to the guild.

Not gonna lie, most of what the demi-human said back at the entrance went from one ear and out the other, but from the bits and pieces that he gathered, the guild was an organization that handled all dungeon and familia affairs.

He was still unsure about registering as an adventurer, so he'll set that aside for now and focus on asking the guild for the familias in Orario (specifically a certain Far-Eastern one) and their locations, since it's directly aligned with his second priority:

To find a god to undo the seal. One that would understand the predicament he's in and reapply the falna with no strings attached, and hopefully, not force him into their familia matters and businesses other than doing favors.

Lastly, he needed to find a job to earn some money. He's completely and utterly broke at the moment.

After he's done with the guild, maybe he'll ask around if anybody needs some help in exchange for some coin, just like what he did in his previous travels.

Having finished formulating his plan of action, the dark-haired swordsman nodded to himself and continued advancing down the road with determination shining in his maroon-colored eyes.

If all goes well, he'll be done before the sun sets!


Although having been born into the upper class hierarchy, attending social gatherings of significance or recreation, and training in swordsmanship along with several nobilities, Yuuna mostly grew up in isolation, never interacting with peers unless he wanted to or if it was necessary. Once he joined his first familia and started his profession as a ******, he got to meet more people and regularly went to places with innumerable inhabitants.

But being a quiet and reserved person at heart, seeing so many people and things all at once at first overwhelmed his mind so much that he couldn't think straight. Nonetheless, he built up resistance over the years.

He thought he had finally gotten used to the urban lifestyle.

He has never been so wrong.

Because Orario easily took the first spot as the largest, busiest, and most populated city he's ever been to in his life.

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