4 - Uncertainty and Encounters

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Mother was tall.

Father towered over her, but her height was not typical for women.

She was quiet.

Seldom did she talk, only speaking when it was required. And when she did, her voice was strict and regal, yet captivating and soothing, like a gentle queen tending to her subjects.

She was wise.

Her intellect resolved countless conflicts that could have resulted in wars, and her wisdom, which could move unyielding minds and hearts, inspired many to seek her. People even say that she could easily tell one's feelings and intentions by simply looking at their expressions.

She was also kind.

The kindest, most generous, and most caring person to have ever graced the earth, as if she were a benevolent goddess hiding in a mortal vessel. She doted on everyone, never hesitated to help no matter how menial, and always had a serene smile on her face, earning her the loyalty and adoration of servants and the family. Even with sickness deteriorating her health every day, she remained firm, steadfast, and elegant, performing her duty as a noble matriarch, friend, and mother until her last breath.

The food stand vendor, however, was vastly different.

She was loud, energetic, and expressive.

Her pitiable height made her look like a child, but her questionable proportions say the opposite.

Her smile, while genuine, wasn't the same, for it portrayed cheerfulness.

And she was obviously a goddess, a being of divinity.

But her eyes were a familiar deep blue like the ocean, manifesting endless warmth.

She helped him despite him not saying anything because she wanted to, and wasn't willing to back down when he denied it.

And most of all,

"Don't you love yourself? If that's the case, then please don't let yourself starve next time."

She doted on him—a complete stranger—showing so much concern, even advising him against repeating such an unhealthy practice, like a mother admonishing her child for their bad behavior.

They were so different, yet so, so similar.


Yuuna took a bite from his snack while he stared at the darkening sky with wistfulness.

For once in his life, he was glad at his inadequacy in expressing his feelings, because he had absolutely no idea what to do if she decided to question him why he was bawling his eyes out at the mere sight of her.

Mother died when he was very young, and he was forced to mature quickly because of that. And while he got over it with time, there was never a single day where he didn't miss her.

How long has it been since he last spent time with her?

He lived most of his life sharing his strengths and serving his people, only to be discarded when he chose to protect what they despised.

Being branded as a 'traitor', losing his status and reputation, having his powers sealed, getting kicked out of his homeland.

Failing to protect her...

He abruptly stopped walking.

After going through all that, and losing nearly everything....

Was it wrong that he wished to be young and free and experience the love of a mother again?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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