Chapter 1

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3rd person's POV-

In a neighborhood far from the hero's home that we all know. Lived an ebony hedgehog in a small comfy home.

Now, it was just an old boring ordinary day for the hedgehog. But what he didn't know was that things would get rather..intense.

Shadow's POV-

Everyday was the same. Waking up to a 'beautiful' day, drinking coffee, eating, watching TV, or just working at GUN. My life was extremely boring is all I can say. Wish something exciting could happen just once at least.. 

I let out a small sigh as I lifted the cup of coffee over to my mouth and took a small sip of it since it was still hot. Bitter..just how I like it. I smiled, drinking a bit more before setting it down. "Why does life have to be boring..?" I groaned and slid down my chair. A thought of..Maria suddenly coming to mind. "Maria.." I mumbled, trying to hold back tears as a lump in my throat formed by just thinking of her. The memories..the pain..but..what can I do? I was about to get up to put the empty cup in the sink when all of a sudden my phone began to ring. 

"What?" I said picking up the phone, mentally groaning since it was none other than Rouge herself.

"Why so bitter this early in the morning?~" She asked while giggling to herself. 

I just facepalmed at her giggling and answered. "What do you think Rouge?" I coldly said. 

"Geez, no need to be cold big guy. I was only asking a question." 

"Whatever..what do you want?" I asked, holding the phone closer to my ear to hear her better. 

"Well. Me, Amy, Cream, and tomboy over here-" She was cut off by Blaze grabbing the phone. 

"ROUGE ZIP IT! and the girls are going on a vacation. I don't know where but we'll be gone for an entire week. So..we all thought we could send Sonic over so that he can keep you company since Rouge won't be able to do her daily visit." I heard Blaze growl at someone, probably Rouge since she called her a tomboy. Which I could agree on that. 

"...You're kidding me right? I do NOT want that annoying hedgehog near me or my house!" I yelled. Out of all people. It just had to be him. Great.

3rd person's POV- 

"Sha—" Rouge took the phone back from Blaze and shoved her towards Amy. "Come on sweetie. It's only for a week~ Besides, what could go wrong?"

"Everything." Shadow stated. 

"Aw don't be like that~ I promise to leave you alone for a whole month. Sounds good?" 

"...Fine." After a while Shadow finally agreed. 

"Great!~ He'll be there in a bit." Rouge smiled and hung up before Shadow could even say anything. 

"WHAT—!" Shadow groaned loudly and flopped onto his couch. Questioning reality. "Can things get any worse..?" 

They can. 

Just as they ebony hedgehog was about to close his eyes, the doorbell rang. 

"I swear to chaos.." Shadow sighed irritatingly and tiredly got off the couch to opened the door. 

Sonic's POV- 

"Hey Shads!" I pointed finger guns at him and winked right after he opened the door for me. He was about to close the door but I quickly put my foot between the door to prevent him to. "Woah- pretty rude much?" I smirked at him. 

Shadow groaned irritatingly as he shot a glare at me which kinda made me scared, but honestly. It made him look quite cute. You see.. I had a crush on him ever since he saved me from drowning that day. 


I was in the middle of the ocean. Tails and the others had failed on saving me since the Tornado had broken down.

"HELP! HELP! I—I CAN'T SWIM!" I rapidly kicked my legs and flapped my arms to try to stay up in the surface to get some air. But no matter how hard I tried, I just ended up sinking. ..This was it. This was my fate...or that's what I thought until I felt someone grab my arm tightly and pull me back up to the surface where they was land. 

I coughed and gasped, desperately trying to get the water out of my lungs. It was working since my vision was getting a bit better and so was my breathing. "T—Thank you.." I looked up to my 'hero' and saw the one person I never thought would save me...Shadow

-End of flashback- 

"Aw come on! It suits ya." I flashed a wide grin as I got punched in the arm. "Ow! Dude chill! I was only playing" I rolled my eyes and rubbed the part where he hit me in the arm. 

"Hmph.." Shadow just turned around and left. Probably to his room. 

I sighed knowing things would be a bit difficult when it came to hanging out a whole week with this guy.

The Nightmare within me (Sonadow.exe)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora