Chapter 2

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Sonic's POV-

It was six thirty in the afternoon. I had made some dinner for Shadow in case he was hungry. "SHADOW YOUR DINNER'S READY!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear. But I got no response. I groaned and grabbed the plate, making my way to his room and knocking on the door. "Shaddds! Open the doorrr" I kept on knocking on the door until he opened up. 

"WHAT?!" I heard Shadow say in irritation. Jeez, was he really that annoyed by me? I haven't even done anything! 

"I've made you dinner—" 

"I don't want your stupid food hedgehog." He spat and crossed his arms. 

"Well can you at LEAST try it? I'm not wasting food I made for you." I growled and held the plate tightly in anger. There's no way I'm waisting food.

"...Fine." He snatched the plate from my hands and took a small portion of the food. "..." 

"Soo..?" I looked around nervously before fixing my gaze back to him. Did he like it or—

"It's..okay.." he mumbled quietly that I could barely hear him. 

"Uh..thanks?" I was about to take the plate back from him but he held it close. 



"I said no." He turned around and slammed the door. He took the food. That means he liked it! I smiled at the thought. 


I heard footsteps coming towards the living room, going to the kitchen. I turned my head towards the sound and found Shadow near the sink, putting his plate away after it was washed. 

"Hey" I waved at him. He just looked at me with his usual look before taking a seat far from me with his eyes closed. 

"Did you like my food?" I asked out of nowhere. 

"..." Shadow just nodded without saying a word. 

"That's good.." I smiled, grabbing the TV remote to turn on the TV. The news was the first channel to pop up. It showed a female fox mobian standing in the middle of the city. Loud explosions could be heard and seen. 

"Breaking news! We're live in Green Hills being attacked by Eggman once again! But where is our hero?!" The reporter screamed as she was barely able to dodge a light post falling down. Scaring the poor lady. 

"Crap.." I muttered and quickly got up. "Welp..that's my cue." I sighed and dashed straight to the city. 

Shadow's POV-

'Faker's probably going to need my help..' I thought and groaned quietly. "And on the first day too." I got up as well and chaos controlled to the city.

Once I got there I saw that hedgehog and the doctor fighting like every other time they've encountered each other. 

"HEY EGGHEAD!" I heard Faker yell, making me look at him with a serious look. "YOU SHOULD PRACTICE MORE ON YOUR AIMING!" He stuck out his tongue at the doctor as he effortlessly dodged one of the missiles that was shot at him. 

"GRRR! STOP MOVING HEDGEHOG!" That hedgehog was too distracted on dodging those poorly attacks from the doctor that he didn't notice Metal heading straight towards him. My eyes widened. 

"HEDGEHOG WATCH OUT!" I yelled, but I was too late because Metal had hit him hard on the back, sending him crashing down on the ground. Leaving him unconscious.

"Dammit.." I growled and chaos controlled to Metal, giving him a well beating as well as the doctor. After the doctor had left with the now busted Metal in his arms I went over to Faker.

"..." I stared down at him. His body obviously limp, but at least he was still breathing. I sighed and picked him up, chaos controlling us back to my place to treat him. 

The Nightmare within me (Sonadow.exe)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα