Chapter 3

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Sonic's POV-

I woke up in a dark place. Everywhere I looked was dark. Was I dead? Or maybe just stuck in some black void? Questions filled my mind until I heard a dark demonic chuckle behind me. 

I quickly turned to the noise and saw..myself? Except they had red glowing eyes with black sclera surrounding them. They also had darker fur than mine, long sharp claws that were all bloody and not to mention that wide creepy grin. 

"Hello..Sonic." They spoke which interrupted my thoughts. 

"Who..—" My eyes widened when I finally remembered who it was..Exe. The demonic version of me who kept haunting me over and over, wanting me to kill my friends. But luckily Tails was able to help me defeat him by trapping him back in his own twisted game disc. 

But how did he escape?!

"Remember me? The one who you and your stupid fox friend trapped inside a game disc?!" He yelled in anger..complete rage..

"Exe..I thought we got rid of you a long time ago!" I kept my guard up in case this sicko tried anything. 

"Well you thought wrong! Ever since you two trapped me in there..I tired and tried to find a way out..and I finally did." He grinned and stepped forward. "Now that I'm inside your mind..I have a way of controlling you.." 

I took a step back each time he would take a step closer to me, eyeing his every move. 

Then out of nowhere he disappeared, causing me to go into a small panic. "Where'd you go—?!" I gasped when he appeared right in front of me and grabbed me by the neck. 

"You have no idea how bad I just want to tear you apart from limb to limb, hearing your screams of pure agony..but I can't. I have to keep you alive in order for me to live..but don't worry..I'll make sure you suffer.." That was the last thing I heard him say before I blacked out. 

Shadow's POV-

"Come on come on.." I muttered as I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor. I had finished treating him but now the only thing I was waiting for was for him to wake up. Which was awfully taking long. It started to worry me. 

I sighed and got up to leave, but I quickly stopped when I heard him groan in discomfort. 

"Ugh my head.." he placed a hand on his head and rubbed it while repeatedly blinking his eyes to see better. "Where..?—"

"You're back at my place. Seems like you've gotten a good hit from Metal." I chuckled, crossing my arms and smirking at him. 

"Oh shut up..I was distracted by Egghead to even notice that robot coming straight towards me." I heard him groan again. This time in annoyance. 

"Well next time you should pay more attention to your surroundings hedgehog. You could've been killed—"

"And why do you care huh? I'm sure you would've been happy with me dead." My eyes widened when he said that. I mean..I do care about him..I'm just not good at expressing things I suppose.

 I growled. "Careful with that you say hedgehog.." I glared hard at him and clenched my fists. Though I decided to calm myself down since I knew that getting angry and yelling at him right now wouldn't help with his headache. So  I turned around and left to give him some space, knowing that he was probably still disappointed that he got into a coma because of Metal.

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