1. Another Success!

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-Tsukasas POV-
I bowed as the audience applauded us. 'another succesfull show!' I thought to myself as the crowd slowly parted their ways. "DID U SEE THE SMILES IN THEIR FACES?!" Emu yelled from behind٫ startling me a bit. "Yea! todays show went fantastic!" Rui said as he handed me a water bottle "wouldnt you say so?" "Yea!! It was amazing! lets make the next one even better!!" I proudly announced. "Mhm but thats for later... Im exhausted" Nene said leaning onto Nenebot. "EEE TODAYS SHOW DESERVES A GROUP WONDERHOY!" Emu shouted and forced us all to join in.

---time skip٫they put their props away and got changed.---

-Ruis POV-
Me and Nene laughed as Tsukasa chased Emu٫ who was sitting on Nenebot٫ all over the stage. Its nearing closing time for the park meaning that we would have to go back to our homes soon. Nene is practically rolling on the floor as Tsukasa finally managed to get Emu off. But٫ Emu decided to jump onto Tsukasa instead of Nenebot. "NENE COULD YOU QUIT LAUGHING AND HELP ME ALREADY-!" The blond yelled. Their duo is so iconic it makes me jealous. Suddenly Emu jumped off of Tsukasas back٫ making Tsukasa stumble and fall face first٫ "OH NENE-CHAN I GOTTA TELL YOU SOMETHING!!" and she ran towards Nene. Making me laugh harder. I reached out a hand to help Tsukasa up٫ who was complaining about his sore back. "ugh she can be such a handfull sometimes" The shorter boy complained. I just found myself laughing at the complaint. Tsukasa just whined and closed his eyes. Obviously exhausted after that second show took place.

It was oddly calming at the stage now. Usually there is some sort of chaos going on but at the moment Nene seemed to have 'calmed' Emu down. Or she atleast lowered Emus volume. And surprisingly the energetic star had fallen alsleep next to m- Wait what. I look over to see tsukasa leaning onto my shoulder. For 'some reason' that made my face heat up a bit. He seemed so calm. It felt weird to see him asleep...weird in a good way? 'he looks kind of cute- ' what am i thinking. Sigh I think I also need a nap. I cant think straight (bc ur gay-) . Now that i think of it..what time is it? I look at my watch. 9:21. Oh-! (The park closes at 9:30.)

I start packing my stuff and getting ready to go. It seems that Nene and Emu saw me and also started to get ready. I went to get up but there is something heavy on my shoulder. oh٫ right
I forgot Tsukasa fell asleep. Gently I start shaking him awake. "mmn- rui?" ... his voice is so soft- I feel butterflies in my stomache. "rui??" the future star calls out confused. "Oh erm- you fell asleep so I shook you awake" I explained "Ah٫ my bad haha" he said as I watched him get up. "You should get ready٫ the park is about to close soon." I explained.

I found myself waiting for Tsukasa to finish up and meeting up with the other two. "Hey٫ I was thinking..would you guys like some ice cream before practice tomorrow?" I questioned the rest of the group as we were starting to head out. "OooOo! Great idea!! Emu would like the rainbow icecream! pleaaasee??" I laughed at how childish Emu was "Sure thing٫ Nene? Tsukasa?" "Oh! Uh I would like chocolate chip cookie dough please!" Tsukasa answered "Strawberry icecream please" Nene responded. "Alright ill make sure to take note of that!" "Thanks ruiii!" Emu said٫ Tsukasa and Nene ended up thanking me too.

After walking for a bit more we all went our own ways٫ Tsukasa and Emu both went home and left me with Nene (they were also walking home). "See you tomorrow morning Rui." Nene waved goodbye as she headed towards her house.

I finally got home and headed directly towards my desk. I wanted to start getting ideas for our next show.

---At the Tenma household---

-Tsukasas POV-
After I parted ways with the others I quickly headed home. I know Saki is probably waiting for me and im also starving! All that talk about ice cream left me craving for food.

I opened up the front door to my house. "Hi oni-chan!!" I heard Saki shout from the kitchen. "Hi Saki!!" I greeted. "Sooo٫ im assuming your show went well!" Saki beamed at me. "Yea! You shouldve been there٫ it was great!!" I said taking a plate of food Saki ordered. "Thats good! Im sorry i couldnt make it..but I promise ill be there next time!" Saki apologized as she also served herself a plate of food. "No no dont be sorry! Its not your fault! But I look up to seeing you in the next show!" "ehe! yea!" Saki said with a mouthfull of food.

Me and Saki finished our food and went to our rooms (lets pretend Tsukasa has a proper room thats not in the open lmao). Todays show really was great! I look foward too the next one. I crashed onto my bed٫ completly forgeting to take my clothes off and fell asleep in an instant.

Today was a good day


Yay my first actual chapter! Ill take constructive critisism but Im also mostly doing this for fun.

anyways goodnight or morning or afternoon idk when u r reading this-

[Words: 919]

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