3. Hospital

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Beeep beeeepp
beeeeep beeeeeeeeeepppp

I groan at the annoying alarm and get out of bed. guess I should get ready for school. I get ready and head to the kitchen. "Sakiiii?" I shout out. Shes not here? Its not like her to leave early for school.... What if something happened?? I havent seen her since I did that show. im such a bad brother i didnt even bother checking up on-
its fine youre just overthinking it
I reassure myself and head out ignoring the fact that my phone was ringing. Ill just ask her bandmates on our free period. Its fine٫ shes alright.
I told myself those last words but a part of me didnt fully belive it. I start walking faster٫ hoping to see Saki at school.

"Ah٫ hi there Tsukasa-kun!" I hear a familiar voice call out. . ah Rui. "Hey Rui" I say. I would usually give a better greeting but I was much too worried at the moment. I was hoping he wouldnt notice but I know it was obvious that something was wrong. I could tell it was obvious by the look Rui gave. "Hey, are you alright? You seem pretty down" Rui asked, his tone changing to a worried one. Ah great. Why is that question so hard to answer? I'm not good right now but that's not like me. I don't wanna worry Rui over something so small an- "Helloo? Tsukasa-Kun?" Rui said snapping me out of it. "Oh! Sorry. Yeah I'm fine it's nothing really!" I said giving him a smile. He obviously didn't believe me but before he could say anything the bell rang. "Gotta go! See you at practice Rui!!" I blurted out and made my way to class. See you at practice?.. I hope I can make it but if Saki- "Tenma..you're late" A stern voice calls out. "Sorry I woke up a bit late" I apologized...I knew I didn't actually wake up late. I don't know how I was late. I woke up just in time...did I really zone out for that long?? I asked myself as I sat down.

——Time skip (class over and free period yayay)——

I haven't seen Saki anywhere. I said to myself, my concern was escalating. I should get a hold of one of her band mates. Hopefully they have some information on her. Just as the thought came across my mind I saw Honami waving bye to Ichika. "Ah! Honami!!" I shouted out..maybe sounding a little desperate. Honami was a bit startled to no one's surprise but still answered me "Oh, hey Tsukasa-kun." She greets giving me a small smile. "Sorry to bother you all of the sudden but have you seen Saki??" Honamis smile faded at the mention of Saki. "Oh.. they haven't called you yet??" She asked. That made my heart drop as I started thinking of all the possible things that could've happened. "N-no?" Honami puts back a small smile, "don't worry she's ok now." She says. "Now!? What happened??" I said, sub-consciously raising my voice, making people look over. "Well uh.. last time we did practice she fainted. We ended up calling for help and she should be at the hospital right now." Before I could say anything Honami continued "I'm sorry we didn't call you.. we were a bit panicked. We figured the hospital would've called you though.." she added. "..." I can't find any words to say. I feel terrible. She didn't show up for almost two days and I just brushed it off!? I'm a terrible brother. "Thank you" I said and rushed out of the school. I knew I was going to get in trouble for just skipping like that but there weren't any teachers on guard and the thoughts were consuming me. I opened my phone to see missed calls...from the hospital. I'm so stupid.. they called me this morning but I just ignored it. I rushed to the hospital. It wasn't too far away. I still couldn't believe it took me so long to realize what happened to Saki. I felt horrible.

Sorry this is shorter than normal 😭. I completely forgot I did this and only recently got the idea to continue it so yea 👍

Anyways have a good rest of ur day/night


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