Chappie 2 ~ Starbucks

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Hi loves!

So I actually didn't know when to update so I decided to do it tonight.

I also changed the summary of my story. I find it better now.

Anyways, I hope you like this chappie :)

Comment, vote share, pleaaase.

It would mean the world to me.

Love ya

- Cayley :) xx


Cassidy's POV

As we started driving down my street, Katie kept going on and on about the party last night at her boyfriend, Matt's, house. I honestly don't remember that much.

"You were completely wasted. It was so funny," She went on as I was dozing off trying not to let her notice. I yawned and took off my shoes. I crossed my legs and lent my head against the car window.

"Cass, where do you want to go?" She asked me as we hit the highway. I couldn't careless at this moment since I'm half asleep and probably going to throw up any moment.

"I don't care Katie," I told her as I was drifting off to sleep to the sound of One Direction playing which is our favourite boyband.

I shut my eyes and fell asleep instantly listening to Katie still talking about last night's party and how I was completely wasted.

"Cassidy, wake up. Were here babe," Katie mumbled. I opened my eyes and lifted up my head, noticing that we were at Starbucks. My life savour when I'm sick. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and sat up. Katie shut the car off and opened her door.

I feel so weak. I really don't want to get out.

"Katie," I managed to get out before she closed her door.

"Yeah Cass," She cooed.

"Do you have any sunglasses? I have the biggest bags under my eyes," I replied to her while opening my door to feel a fresh breeze hit me in the face.

"They're in that compartment thingy right in front of you," She said. She closed her door and walked over to my side to find me looking dead.

I opened up the compartment thingy and found her black Ray Bans. I put them on and stepped out of her car with help from her.

"Thanks," I said to her while closing the door with my phone in one hand.

"You're welcome. Now let's go inside," She stated while yanking on my arm.

We walked into Starbucks and I felt my stomach turn. Awesome.

"Katie, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back. Just get me a bottle of water," I told her. She just nodded her head and I made my way towards the bathroom.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked towards a free stall. You probably already guessed what was going to happen. If you guessed throw up. You're correct. I lifted the toilet seat and knelt down.

Here it comes. Yup. Gross again. After 5 minutes of that I stood up and grabbed a piece of toilet paper. I brought it to my mouth and wiped off all the, yeah.

I threw it into the toilet and flushed it down, the opened the stall door. I must have drank a shit load of alcohol last night. Like Katie said. I was wasted. Normally I don't get that wasted.

Anyways, I walked towards the sink and washed my hands. Thank God there was no one in here because if there were I would have been in deep shit for throwing up in a Starbucks bathroom this early in the morning.

Everything Changed (Harry Styles)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt