Chappie 3 ~ Fangirling, Waving and Talking

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while :(

I've been super busy with school and family. In about 2 weeks I'm going to Cuba and I was planning on updating before I went :)

I hope you enjoy this chapter. It took me about 2 weeks to write because I kept getting writer's block :(

Anyways, comment, vote, share and tell me what you think lovlies :) 

Means a lot when I get votes/comments :)

~ Cayley xoxo


Cassidy’s POV

I walked over to Katie noticing that she had a confused but worried look on her face. Oh no. What am I supposed to tell her? ‘Oh hey Katie. Guess what just happened. I bumped into Harry Styles and now I have his number and he has mine?’ Didn’t think so. Oh boy. Wish me luck.

“Who was that Cass?” Katie questioned me as I took a seat in front of her.

“T-that was um no one?” I told her trying not to make it obvious that I was lying to her.

“Cass, I kind of figured out who it was. I was just messing with you,” she stated. What the hell. How the fuck did she know?

“What are you talking about?” I asked her. She had a huge smile on her face. She turned her head and pointed to the other window and I saw 5 guys just sitting there. Chilling. Then it hit me.

“When you were walking towards me I noticed a boy with a beanie and black Ray Bans on. Instantly I knew it was Harry Styles. So I looked around the room and found the other four lads just sitting at a table by the other window, eating. I can’t believe you didn’t notice them when you came out of the washroom. By the way, you smell a little like puke,” she stated making me feel like a complete idiot for not noticing ‘the’ One Direction just happened to be in the same Starbucks as my hungover self.

I actually had to think of what to say because my head kept throbbing and I couldn’t seem to focus.

“First of all, um okay. Second of all, I have sunglasses on so yeah. Lastly, thanks so much Katie, I already know captain obvious,” I said. My head started hurting a lot so I just put it on the table. Sleeping sounds really good right now. I shut my eyes.

“Cass,” Katie whispered. More of like an aggressive whisper.

“Yeah,” I whispered back. “What do you want?” I asked her not lifting up my head.

“What’s on your arm?” she flat out asked me. What is she talking about? Why did she change the subject. Usually all she talks about is One Direction.

“What are you talking about?” I asked her. I lifted my head up this time and noticed that my sleeve rolled up when I laid my head on it. Then it hit me. What am I suppose to tell her? Shit.

“I-I-I-t’s f-from,” I stuttered. Oh crap.

“Cass you know you can tell me right? Just tell me the truth,” she told me while looking into my eyes.

I sighed, “I-It’s nothing Katie I swear,” I lied. I hate lying to my best friend but I can’t tell her my secret. If I did, my dad would probably kill me. Ever since him and my mom split, he’s been different. He blames himself for them splitting. He always comes home drunk on weekends and he started smoking.

“Are you sure?” Katie questioned, making me snap out of my thoughts and back into reality.

I nodded my head, “Yes I’m sure Katie. Now can we talk about something else?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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