Whisper To Me.

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The times you wished you were somewhere other than the place you currently stand.

The times you wished that smiles were real.

The times you screamed out but never really made a sound.

The times where all you could do is cry.

The times you stared in wonder at the sky.

The times we're dreams held you closer than reality did.

The times you zoned out.

The times your heart throbbed at the sight of a lonely person.

The times you hugged yourself.

The times you wished that you could fly.

The times you wished that you could be free from the world's burdens.

I want you to whisper these things to me.

So that you could remember, I'm here for you.

I'm the listening ear,

The shoulder to lean on,

The arms that would hold you,

The smile ready to greet you,

I'm your hand to hold when you feel yourself slipping.

So, whisper to me.

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