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Every discussion caused a concussion, 

Because I hated rumors that often left tumors on my brain.

So I trained myself to fight with the others. 

To dismiss the pain and not hold tight to words.

Because most of the hurt came from my high hopes,

That the ropes of betrayal won't grab me, 

Stab me and nap me,

Away from the light of day,

Let me just say, 

My scars were signatures left from my enemies,

Confusion was my best friend beside illusions of happiness. 

So yeah, fake people faze me, because they haze me with nothing but lies,

This was not my decision!

To bottle up all of my feelings deep down inside,

To the point that the ink on this page wasn't enough.

As if the road had gotten too rough and tough for me.

Remember to be relieved of these thoughts was to be freed from the knots of life.

For a knife to become dull,

For a storm to ease to a gentle breeze,

Yeah, I look at my scars a lot, but not in sadness, definitely not in madness.  

I stare because I cared for the fact that I still stood to this day,

That I can inhale and exhale without fail,

To remember that my hands might be cold but my heart is pure gold.

Every bruise bump, scrap, missed shaped part of you is there to remind that somewhere in time,

You stumbled somewhere..

Certain pieces of you crumbled and every word you had spoke was a constant mumble.

The quivering of your bones made you feel alone!


We must not forget that all of which built a masterpiece,

A unique person was released from the grip of insecurities,

Love had spread it's wings like a dove ready to take flight,

In your bright everlasting future.


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