Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

One Month Later

Sooyoung watched as Maddox sighed where he stood, waiting for the arrival of the mansion’s newest permanent guests. He was clearly apprehensive at the thought of having new residents staying at his mansion, which was in contrast to what Sooyoung was feeling.

Sooyoung could not hide the anticipation in her posture, no matter how hard she tried and even if she understood her husband’s position. She would no longer be alone in a foreign country anymore, for there would soon be other Khuzait living here! She’d have people who truly understood her to talk to, although admittedly this was only happening due to the assassination attempt by the cultists a month ago.

Her father had been furious at the ease at which the mansion had been attacked and sent strongly worded messages to both Maddox and his father, demanding that he be allowed to send guards to the mansion to protect Sooyoung. The Nilfgaardian Emperor had agreed to his request both to placate him and according to Maddox, to add insult to injury that he was not destined to become Emperor.

They never did find out how the cultists infiltrated the mansion grounds in the first place and that concerned her. She desperately wanted to believe that they simply had somehow climbed over the walls at a secluded spot but she could not shake the feeling that there was more to it.
She crossed over to his side and squeezed his hand reassuringly, wanting him to relax and know that she would be here to smooth things over.

“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to them and make sure we don’t have any problems,” said Sooyoung.

He turned to her and smiled, before turning his attention back to the road leading to the mansion proper. The two could not have been any more different in outfit too, with Maddox in full armour while Sooyoung wore a traditional Khuzait dress as usual, wanting to appear familiar to the newcomers.

Soon, the long awaited guests arrived on horseback their red armour signifying them as female members of the Khuzait Royal Guard. Sooyoung instantly gasped, instantly recognizing the newcomers and rushing towards them.

“Joohyun!! Seulgi!! Seungwan!! Yeri!!,” yelled Sooyoung at the top of her voice.
The bodyguards immediately halted and dismounted, hugging the life out of her as the five friends were reunited once more.

“I missed you so much!,” said Sooyoung as she finally pulled away from them.

“We missed you too,” said Joohyun. “I was expecting you to have to wear some ostentatious Nilfgaardian dress though”

That brought about a smile to Sooyoung’s face, being reminded of Maddox understanding nature.

“Maddox doesn’t mind me wearing Khuzait clothes here in the mansion grounds,” revealed Sooyoung.

“Maddox!? Since when were you two on first name terms?!?,” yelled Seungwan.

“We’ve….. been getting closer. He’s actually been a good husband to me,” said Sooyoung.

The others looked at her as though she had been possessed.

“I’ll explain later, let’s go meet him first,” said Sooyoung as she led them to the front porch where Maddox stood with his bodyguard.

Sooyoung’s bodyguards bowed to Maddox as they approached.

“Prince Maddox. I am Bae Joohyun and these are Kang Seulgi, Son Seungwan and Kim Yeri. We were Sooyoung’s bodyguards before her marriage and we have come today to resume our duty in protecting her,” said Joohyun.

“I am glad that you are here. Sooyoung will be more at ease with all of you here and I don’t have to worry about assigning guards for Sooyoung,” said Maddox. “These are my bodyguards Eunkwang, Minhyuk, Changsub, Hyunsik, and Peniel.  

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