Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Maddox entered the bedroom silently and smiled as he saw Sooyoung standing over the crib where Yerin lay in.

Slipping his arms around her waist, Maddox placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and looked down at their daughter sleeping soundly.

"She looks so much like you," said Maddox without taking his eyes off Yerin.

"And she better be like me too. I'm clearly the better warrior," said Sooyoung as she craned her head to look at him, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"Oh really? I wonder who said that?" challenged Maddox with an equally mischievous grin.

"I seem to recall beating you more often than not when sparring," retorted Sooyoung with a scoff.

"Care to have a round right now to settle this?" asked Maddox.

Sooyoung's eyes sparkled at the prospect of sparring again after so long but before she could answer, a loud cry erupted from the crib and they both looked down to see that Yerin was now awake.

"It seems our daughter has other ideas," said Sooyoung with a sigh.

Clearly, their sparring would have to wait.

4 Months Later

Maddox held Yerin aloft in his arms as he spun her around to the delightful giggles of his dearest daughter.

He could never get tired of her big, bright eyes and her inquisitive nature to explore. Yerin was a very active baby and she would crawl just about everywhere, necessitating for an adult to always watch over her.

And of course, there were the late night crying sessions that would keep him and Sooyoung up in the night. Parenting was a tiring job, even with servants.

Despite all that, Maddox and Sooyoung loved their daughter immeasurably, spending as much time as they could with her.

Things were starting to get back to normal for him and Sooyoung, each resuming their duties and interests in whatever free time they had other than that which they spent with Yerin.

Maddox cherished whatever time he got to spend with Sooyoung and Yerin, always rushing to finish his daily duties as fast as possible.

Sooyoung naturally spent the most time with Yerin, taking care of her when Maddox was busy.

He smiled as Sooyoung stood beside him and reached out for their daughter.

"I'll take him now. Go finish up your work," said Sooyoung.

Maddox smiled and planted a kiss on her cheek before handing over Yerin to her.

As he was about to leave the room, he turned back to look at his wife and daughter and smiled.

He promised to give the best to Sooyoung and their daughter and a decision he had mentally made before resurfaced in his mind.

As he watched mother and daughter laugh and play, he knew it was time to put his plan into motion.

Leaving for his study room, Maddox sat down and began writing a letter.

A/N: Just another short update.

What does Maddox have planned?

We're fast approaching the end of this story and I thank you all for reading up till now.

I have a sequel planned in the future which may or may not be written concurrently to the Wendy story I have planned. Spoiler alert: Maddox and Sooyoung will not be the main characters but someone very related to them will be.

Would you all like to see a sequel?

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