Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Sooyoung straightened her dress with irritation, wondering not for the first time why Nilfgaardian women loved wearing such cumbersome dresses. By contrast, Khuzait clothing was simple yet elegant and comfortable.

She wouldn’t be wearing them for quite a while though, as Maddox’s cousin was due to stay for some time. According to Maddox, she was a rather free-spirited girl in contrast to the demure woman her parents had hoped she would become. Raucous and a little tomboyish, Oh Hayoung gained a reputation for rebelliousness and picking fights with her would-be bullies, scaring off would-be suitors. Fortunately, she had met someone who loved her for who she was and had gotten married to him. Sooyoung could only hope that it meant they would find a kindred spirit in one another and get along. The last thing she needed was to make a in-law an enemy.

She quickly exited the room and headed downstairs to join her husband in welcoming their latest guest. Maddox was already outside with both his and her retinue of bodyguards. As she stood beside Maddox, she could feel the gazes of her own retinue staring her up and down, unused to seeing her in such fanciful clothing.

Sooyoung ignored them, keeping her eyes on the carriage coming towards them in the distance, signalling the arrival of Oh Hayoung.

The carriage pulled up in front of them and Sooyoung found herself facing the carriage door, proudly emblazoned with the coat of arms of the Oh family. A gust of wind flew in her face as the door swung open with sudden force, and revealing a rather elegantly dressed lady in a white dress and a man in equally ostentatious clothing.

“Maddox!!!”, yelled Oh Hayoung as she rushed over and hugged her cousin.
Maddox simply stood there with a scowl, clearly annoyed at her presence.
The man in the carriage stepped out and merely shook his head with a wry smile.

“Its been a long time Maddox,” said the man.

“It has Sehun. Mind getting my irritating cousin off me?” asked Maddox, causing Hayoung to pull away and punch his stomach lightly.

“Is that all you have to say after not seeing me for so long?” said Hayoung.

“How about when are you leaving?”, retorted Maddox.

That earned him another punch in the shoulder.

Sooyoung could only cover her mouth and laugh at their antics.

Hayoung and her husband turned to meet her, and Sooyoung bowed, as was customary as the lady of the house.

“So this is your wife. Why did you force her to wear our Nilfgaardian clothes! You’re a horrible husband!” said Hayoung.

“What?! Hang on a second!” yelled Maddox before Hayoung cut him off.

“Don’t worry about us. We don’t mind so you can wear your own clothes around us. Don’t listen to my idiotic cousin and wear what you are comfortable with”, said Hayoung reassuringly.

“Good afternoon and welcome. I am Park Sooyoung, Maddox’s wife. Its alright. Actually Maddox has no problems with my Khuzait clothes on normal days. However, we agreed that I would wear Nilfgaardian clothes for events or when there are visitors,” said Sooyoung with a smile.

“Nonsense! We are family so there’s no need for that. I’m Oh Hayoung, Maddox’s cousin and this is my husband Oh Sehun,” said Hayoung pointing to the man with her.

“Good afternoon Sooyoung. We finally meet.”, said Sehun.

Sooyoung bowed but then snapped her gaze back at him in shock. She knew that Hayoung came from the noble house of Oh, but Sehun’s surname was also Oh. Did that mean?.....

“We’re not related! We just happen to have the same surname!”, explained Hayoung exasperatedly with an outstretched palm.

“Ah…” said Sooyoung with a sigh of relief.

“A lot of people often think we’re siblings but we’re actually not,” said Hayoung.

“Let’s get you settled in shall we?” said Maddox as he led them inside.

All the way, Hayoung clung to Sooyoung like glue, clearly fascinated to meet a Khuzait.

“Can you let me see your wardrobe later? I really want to see what you usually wear!” said Hayoung excitedly. 

Sooyoung smiled and nodded as she and Maddox brought them to the guest bedroom to unpack. She was starting to take a liking to Hayoung, clearly very different from the typical haughty and stuck-up Nilfgaardian woman. She hoped her instinct was right and that they would get along pretty well. After all, she needed friends out here away from home.

A Few Hours Later

“It’s so beautiful!!”, squealed Hayoung as she held one of Sooyoung’s Khuzait dresses in her hands.

Clearly, she was not bothered by the foreign, simplistic design of her clothes, unlike some of the servants who showed clear disdain towards her choice of clothing. That was a good sign and Sooyoung was starting to be more sure that she had found someone whom she could approach as a friend in Nilfgaard.

“I can arrange for tailors to create some for you,” offered Sooyoung with a smile.
Hayoung’s head snapped up, her face full of shock.

“Really? But I can’t wear them anywhere though,” said Hayoung sadly.

“You can wear them at home or when you’re staying as a guest here,” replied Sooyoung with a smile.

“Thank you! Those dresses are sure to be beautiful,” squealed Hayoung.

“Beautiful dresses to go with a beautiful princess,” said Sooyoung flatteringly.

The two girls continued to chat about clothing and accessories, topics that would forever bind women no matter the culture. It seemed that this visit might not be so boring after all.

A/N: Oh Hayoung has joined the story! How will her visit be?

Will all be peaceful or will there be trouble?

Stay tuned to find out!

The Prince and His Warrior Wife (Joy x OC Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora