Halloween Speical!

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(I know it's not Halloween but I have literally no other ideas so deal with it)

Fun Fact: Eri's full name is Eri Fujimoto Chisaki-Kurono. Kai named her after the two people who always took care of him at Satana. Manticore (Haiburiddo Eri) and Poltergeist (Fujimoto Hiro)


'Why am I wearing this?' Kai asked.

'Because I said to now shush.'

Poltergeist was helping Kai into a Halloween Costume Terugo picked out as Hijimi got into his.

'Where are we going?'

'To a party, Ahyma invited us.' Poltergeist explained.

'Which is surprising right? I mean I tried to kill him.'

'Maybe he thought it was an accident.'

Hijimi rolled his eyes, 'Well the first 30-35 stabs yeah that can be considered accidental but 40+ is a tad suspicious don't ya think?'

'Who's Ahyma?'

'The leader of the Todo gang.'

'Oh. Didn't you try to poison him also?'

'I did, seriously why is this man inviting me to a party?'

'So then why am I a cat?'

'Because America.'

'Sir we live in Japan.'



Kai was wearing a black cat costume with a black mask and painted black nails. It wasn't one of those revealing ones, Terugo wasn't that cruel. He was just wearing black jeans, a black sweatshirt, and black tennis shoes.

Terugo was wearing a dark blue trench coat, a black suit, and a White and blue Kitsune Mask.

Poltergeist was just wearing his normal outfit. Because he's boring.

Kai was clinging to Poltergeist, he didn't like all the people.

Poltergeist was just trying to help Kai feel safer.

Terugo was keeping himself entertained by pointing out all the people he's tried to assassinate and how exactly he tried to kill them. 'That one I tried to poison, I stabbed him a few times, I actually did kill that guy but Chronos rewound him because he was friends with his father. I shot him I think?'

'Where is Ka anyway?' Poltergeist asked.


'Sagaki Ka, Chronos' Father? I thought Ahyma said he was going to be here?'

'He is, he's right over there.' Kai pointed to a corner where he was talking to Ahyma.

'Oh hey, I tried to kill him too!' Terugo giggled. 'I tried to burn him!'


'Hm? Oh! Hi Yuui! Ahyma invited you too?'

A tall woman with pale skin and snow-white hair was standing in front of them. She had pupilless gray eyes and a surprised look on her face that quickly morphed into apathy. 'Well, I wasn't originally going to come. But Hari wanted to see if his friend was here.'

Kai, who'd been mostly staring at the ground since they got here, looked up, 'Hari?'


'This is your mom?' Kai looked her up and down in slight disapproval. 'I thought you said she was the living embodiment of success?'

Poltergeist snorted as Hari explained he was being sarcastic.



'Whatever, are you going to hang out with your friend now?' Yuui asked.

'Yes. So you can go home. I'll walk.'

'We could drop you off.' Poltergeist offered.

'Pardon?' Terugo hissed.

'So he doesn't have to walk, we did drive here after all and I know where his house is.'

'Why do you know where my house is?' Hari asked in a suspicious tone.

'It's in your file.'

'My what?!'


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