I don't know what to call this

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Fun Fact: Hippogriff yells at people in English

Age Update: 17 (Kai was saved two months after his birthday)

*Picture above: Dealmaker, a villain Terugo had once encountered


'Your little science experiment is hiding again.'

'I see that.' Terugo moaned. 'I wish he's man up already. The boy has a strong quirk, he just lacks the confidence to use it.' He said, 'He feels like he can't control it and so refuses to use it.'

'That sounds annoying.'

'It is. But I guess I can't blame him, I did convince him that he'd never control his power and that he needed me to keep from killing someone by mistake.'

'And I suppose you regret that decision now?' Garaki asked.

'No,' Terugo said, much to the doctor's surprise, 'Fear is what keeps him here. Fear that Cherry will die if he leaves. Fear he'll have to hurt her. Fear that he'll have to hurt Lemon and Broccoli kid. That he'll kill Nighteye. Fear that I'll kill Noruko if he disobeys. Fear he'll lose control. This is what keeps him in line, keeps him obedient. So no, I don't regret scaring him. Though I do wish he'd use it with supervision at least.'

'Noruko? I know who the others are but who's 'Noruko'?'

'His boyfriend. He agreed to obey so long as I let them be together.'

Garaki raised an eyebrow, 'And... You actually agreed?'

'I made a deal with a villain once. His name was Dealmaker, and the deal was that he'd help me find Afo, and I could never break another deal again.'

Present Mic Voice: Villain: Dealmaker! Rank: A! Quirk: Deal! He has the power to form deals with people and should he or the other person break the deal they will face severe punishment. The more serious the deal, the more serious the punishment. Should Terugo ever fail to hold up his end, he will lose his eyesight, rendering his quirk completely useless.

'I don't really want to lose my vision.'

'Makes sense, can't use your quirk without it.'

Terugo sighed and crossed his legs, he watched in silence as Kai fought a high-end Nomu that Garaki wanted to test. He called it, 'Hood'. This one was different. It could strategize. It could speak. It could think. It was genuinely impressive.

Kai has beaten and killed every single Nomu they flung his way, the end goal being to finally create a Nomu Kai couldn't beat. This one was the most promising version so far.

After two more minutes, Hood wore Kai out enough to knock him out. Garaki stopped it before it had the chance to kill Kai. This was it, they had finally created a superweapon stronger than Hijimi's superweapon.

Kai had actually lost.

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