Getting Back To Work

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Continuing from previous chapter

As your pod starts to get clear we see you.

Your pov

Huh? What's....going on I feel like I'm waking up. When I open my eyes I see nothing but darkness all around me and when I turn my helmets light on I see I'm in a cave...

??: "My love...."

I look around looking for the voice.

??: "This way...."

I see a blue light ahead and slowly make my way over there and there I saw a chip on a rock. I tried to pick it up but it vanished before I could even touch it.

??: "(Y/n)...."

I turn and see and see

I turn and see and see

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Y/n: "How...."

Cortana: "Oh I'm the strangest thing you seen all day?"

Cortana knew I was confused and shocked despite having the helmet on and just giggled at my reaction.

Y/n: "Is this real?"

Cortana stops giggling.

Cortana: "'s real....(Y/n) you have to come home....we need you...."

Y/n: "What happened?"

Cortana: "There's no time to explain...right now everyone is in trouble and we need your help."

Y/n: "What's going on? Is it Skynet?"

Cortana: "(Y/n)...."

She starts to fade away.....

Y/n: (tries to reach for her) "Cortana!"

??: "Chief wake up!"

Back to reality....

You finally gained your senses back and see yourself in a pod and see Lasky standing in front of you.

You finally gained your senses back and see yourself in a pod and see Lasky standing in front of you

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Author: sorry for crappy gif but the HD version 3.69 mb 😑

Y/n: "Sir."

Lasky: "Good to have you back Spartan."

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