Chapter One: Eros

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1899 Paris, the summer of love.

Viktor Nikiforov had just arrived in Montmartre, Paris from St Petersburg, Russia. He had come to Paris to become a member of the Bohemian Revolution. Even if he didn't have much, he planned to become a writer and write the next truly revolutionary story about the one thing he believed in the most, love. There was only one slight problem, Viktor had never been in love. He didn't know what it was like to not be able to live without someone, he didn't know what it was like to crave another person's touch, nor did he have the fear that he may one day lose someone he loved. Viktor had only ever read or dreamed about it, so to him it was only a mere fantasy.

Viktor sat at the sad little table in his small apartment room. He only had his typewriter and a pile of blank paper really unpacked, then again he didn't have anything else he needed to unpack at the time. He sat there and started to wonder if this whole idea was just one big mistake. Apart from the loud talking and music coming from outside the window along with the sound from other rooms in the building, he could only really hear his fathers' voice in his head telling him that he would end up wasting his life away in Paris with no money and nowhere to go.

Suddenly Viktor heard a loud crash come from the room above him. He looked up and the next thing he knew a man broke through his ceiling and hung there since his foot was tied to a rope. Viktor let out a little yell and jumped out of the way even though he was fine where he was. He just looked at the man who seemed to have passed out before going over to him. "Wh... h-hello?" Viktor spoke sheepishly as he slowly stepped over to the man. He heard lots of commotion coming from upstairs before he heard the door of his apartment fling open. Viktor quickly turned around to see a guy with an inside out button up shirt draped over his head, it almost made him look like a nun. "What is—" Viktor was about to ask but the man cut him off immediately "Oh! You must be the new guy that just moved in!" He explained and just let himself in. He went over to the man hanging from the ceiling. Viktor then noticed the silly costume he was wearing but he didn't ask. "So terribly sorry about all of this" the man chuckled and patted his friend on the cheek to wake him. "Chris here has narcolepsy so one minute he could be completely fine but then unconscious the next" he laughed and shook Chris's arm.

"Um- ok but what's going on?" Viktor asked and before he could get an answer three others from upstairs peaked their heads into Viktors' room from the big hole in Viktors' ceiling. "Phichit! Is everything alright?" Asked one of the guys. "Yes, yes. Everything's great we just need to get Chris back up there" Phichit waved his hand and chuckled. Viktor just stood there awkwardly as he waited for his answer "who knows when he'll wake up! How are we just going to get him back up here?" Exclaimed a woman with red hair "Yea Phichit! We don't have the scene ready for the financier tomorrow, it will never be done in time with this bozo" exclaimed another guy with black hair as he smacked Chris's boot. "Yea I also need to finish writing the music" chipped back in the woman with red hair. "That's fine, it's fine we can just find someone else to play the role for now" Phichit said as he tried to calm everyone down.

Next thing Viktor knew he had helped the group drag Chris back upstairs and he filled in for the role that needed to be read. The group had stripped Chris of his costume and gave it to Viktor since they were about the same height, so he would be able to fit it. Viktor felt a little awkward since he barely even knew anyone in the room. He just read the lines as they needed. Viktor stood on a ladder with the script in hand. He stood up there as Phichit was badly singing the lines for a song. The whole thing honestly sounded like a wreck. The music didn't go with the lyrics and the lyrics weren't even good. "Ugh, No! This is terrible Mila, what in dear lord are you trying to do??" exclaimed the writer to which Mila just shrugged innocently. "Can you please just stick with some decorative piano?" he groaned and pinched his temple. "Honestly I don't think those lyrics really work..." said the final member with long brown hair. Suddenly a whole argument broke out. Viktor just stood up on the ladder, kind of shocked from the sudden argument on what the lyrics should be. He kind of felt a little forgotten as he stood up there. They were trying to figure out what a nun would say about a hill, which Viktor found a little odd but he didn't question and just went along with it. He then got an idea for a lyric that would work and that would actually sound nice. He just didn't know how to tell the group about his sudden idea though. Viktor mumbled little words about his line but he couldn't get the group to listen to what he was saying so he just thought to go for it.

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