What the hell happened here?!

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3rd POV

It was evening, the sun has barely gone down, and everything was qui-


"Ugh, you bibbly-annoying turtly-boos" big mama encased the turtles in her goop, all of them hitting the wall, leo & donnie flat on there plastrons, mikey laying on top of donnie's battle shell, and raph sitting up against the wall

"Blegh, gross" leo said lifting his head to lay on his chin

"ew ew ew" mikey was wiggling around

"I-" gag "Do not like this!!" Donnie complained moving little as possible

"You Turtley-boos have drawn the last bibbly-straw, but you'll do nicely as rodeo clowns in my battle nexus" she said, slowly smiling evily,"or as fighters either way", her smile fell into a scowl, "No one steals from Big Mama" she said walking over to them

*CRASH* the window was blown up, as the dust settled

"And no one steals from me" baron draxum said coming in on his purple vines

"Oh" Big mama says with venom dripping from her voice,"it's you, Baron Draxum, you should learn how to use the bimbly door" big mama said narrowing her eyes

"And you should learn how to use real words" draxun retorted

"Huh?, they know eachother great, if only one of us seen that coming" leo said sarcastically looking at his brothers

"You are a sore winner leo" raph said still struggling in the goop

"Go get them my pets" draxum says pointing to the oozquitos

"Yes boss" Huggins and Muggin said jumping forward

"Gus!" Big mama screeched and gus got the jist, in a blink of an eye gus had muggin under his paw and huggin between his teeth just enough where he was trapped and couldn't move, but started using them as chew toys not long after

Big mama and draxum started fighting one another, big mama being agile despite her big form and baron using his purple vines to chase her, tossing the turtles closer together in the process

"Hey!!, use mah shell ta' cut yourselves fruh" raph said using his head to point at his shell to

"Ohhhh, good idea, rápidamente hermanos" leon said letting donnie and mikey hop on his to cut themselves free

It then quieted down and they looked up

"Let's go, pet's" baron said with the oozquitos in his hand, huggin and muggin hopped onto barons shoulders

Few minutes later

"No you let go mikey" donnie said on the hover bike

"Ohhhhhhhh, okay" mikey said smiling, then let's go of the bike, he gets rocketed back into big mama knocking her back into her vault

"Ugh" Big mama groans as the doors close

In another place

"Lái ba, wǒ xiǎng zài āyí shuìzhe zhīqián dàodá nàlǐ-(C'mon I wanna get there before aunt is asleep)" a young man said as he was holding his bag yelling at his sister and their close friend to hurry

"Atlas-kun, I'm right here and I'm sorry but i don't understand you when speak like that" the other young man in the room said giving a apologetic smile

"Sorry Usagi-kun, but it's 22:35, we we're supposed to be there at 21:00, plus don't we all have a fight tomorrow"

"Ugh, calm your webs atlas, from what a-niang-(mother/chinese) says, her nexus hasn't been swimming to well" a young girl said walking out from behind the wall of beads dangling, making a light jingle sound when they hit eachother

WTH!!, My take on a Rottmnt AUWhere stories live. Discover now