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Diana looked away as Bellamy and Octavia shared a hug, she wished so badly that she could hug Isaac again. "She blew the horn." She heard Murphy mutter, this time though, she didn't tell him to shut up. Diana was told that Octavia had gotten away from the war with the help of Lincoln, the brunette wondered where he was now.

They pulled apart as Diana went to check on Mel. "Hey, you okay?" She asked the shaken up girl.

Mel nodded, lips barely pulling up into a small smile. "I-I'm fine. My arm though, it hurts a lot."

"Okay, let me see." Diana gently pulled the sleeve of Mel's shirt down, from what she could tell it seemed dislocated. "Okay, um, well we're gonna have to find something to make a sling. I'll be right back, okay?" Mel nodded again, Diana squeezed the girl's hand lightly with a reassuring smile on her face, hoping to keep Mel calm. She moved toward the wreck, pulled a shirt off a dead guard and did her best to construct a makeshift sling that would be good enough to hold Mel's arm in place until they got back to Camp Jaha.

Diana knelt down next to Mel and fastened the sling securely on the girl. "Thank you." Mel uttered softly, looking up to meet Diana's eyes, she cleared her throat. "Is Isaac here?" Mel questioned and Diana's heart sunk.

"I-" Diana sighed quietly. "I don't know where he is..." The defeated look on Mel's face mirrored the other girl's. "He's strong, you know that. He'll come back. He always comes back, Mel." She wanted to believe the words coming from her own mouth but something in the back of her head told her he was gone, that he wasn't coming back, she wasn't going to find him.

"Nice foghorn." Murphy sarcastically spat, noticing the horn that was hanging from Octavia's bag. "What happened to your boyfriend?" He questioned harshly.

Diana looked back, the girl didn't look sad, she looked angry. "Shut up, Murphy." Diana spat in his direction, she didn't know anything about Lincoln or why he had helped Octavia, but she was here and alive because of him, for that Diana was grateful. She couldn't handle another loss.

"He's gone." Was all Octavia said, even her voice was different, Diana noticed, hardened like the rest of her.

The brunette stood up, facing Octavia now. "He-" Octavia looked up and shook her head, not wanting the sentence to be finished. "I'm so sorry-"

Octavia ignored the apology, instead moved forward and hugged Diana who froze. "Thank you." She whispered. Diana stood confused, almost shocked by the touch. "For staying alive."

Diana pulled the girl off, getting a chance to fully see the girl now, she wasn't the same happy girl Diana wished she had stayed, this girl was different. This girl was traumatized, all because Diana's father wanted a longer chance at life. "I'm so sorry, Octavia..." This feeling had never really sunk in, that her father was half the reason all these kids were dead and missing. He wasn't doing anything but staying protected by the walls of the fallen Ark. "For everything."


Diana shook her head, dismissing the question. "The grounders will come back, we have to go, now."

Finn nodded in agreement. "Yes, we do." Map in hand.

Diana walked over to Finn and Bellamy. "Octavia says the arrow might be poisoned." He stated. "We have to get them back to Camp."

Finn nodded, he wasn't going back to camp, he was going to continue the search for their friends. "I know. I'll meet up with you as soon as I can." He told Bellamy.

The man nodded. "I know."

"Parting, such sweet sorrow right?" As Finn made to leave Murphy followed after him but Bellamy grabbed his arm.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" He asked.

Murphy scoffed. "C'mon, Bellamy, you know if I go back they're just going to lock me up." He explained, knowing Bellamy wouldn't fight he, and he didn't, he just nodded.

"Watch his back."

Murphy jogged off towards Finn. "I'm going too." Diana said, pulling the gun strap of her rifle over her head.

"No, we need your help here-"

"You'll both be fine without me." Diana told Bellamy, she wasn't going to take no as answer from him. "I'm not letting two loose canons be out here alone."


"Get back safe, okay?" With that last request Diana ran off to catch up with Finn and Murphy. Maybe it was a stupid idea but she didn't care, anything would be better than a walk back to Camp Jaha with tension heavily polluting the air. Even if that meant getting stuck with two most unstable people she could think of at the moment.

Diana walked quietly behind the two boys, though she was careful not to fall back too far. As they conversed occasionally the girl kept her eyes on the trees, hoping she wouldn't see anything that would make her pull her trigger. "Kane, keep up, would you?" Murphy called back to her.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Murphy, shut the hell up, would you?" Diana smirked when he scowled at her, he should've known better anyway.

"Stay focused." Finn snapped, looking down at the map, finding out which way to go next. "That village can't be far from here, let's pick it up." He demanded. Once they reached the village Diana wanted to turn back, it was small, not a large group of people, nothing threatening stood out to her. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, tiny huts and shacks put together with wood and twine, nothing here gave any indication of her people being there. "I count 26."

Murphy looked over. "I counted 28. These people don't look like warriors, Finn. There's kids. Old people. There's nothing big enough here to hold our friends." He spoke, Diana nodded, silently agreeing.

"He's right, Spacewalker. C'mon, we can still make it back before the sun goes down-"

Finn held a hand up. "They could be underground-"

"Underground? Do you even realize how insane that sounds?" Diana questioned only to be ignored.

"We wait until dark, then we go in."

"We go in?" Murphy asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Finn, we don't even know if our people are here yet."

Finn shook his head. "They're here. Or they were when that grounder took Clarke's watch."

Diana's eyes narrowed at Finn. She wondered how he could only be thinking of Clarke when Raven just had to get a bullet removed from her spine, when she was the one who needed him most, not Clarke. "I see where your loyalties lie, Spacewalker." She spat under her breath, hands tightly holding her rifle.

Murphy had his eyes closed in frustration for a moment. "What if we're too late, huh? They're probably already dead. We need to..." Diana shot him a look telling him to shut up, Finn was on edge right now, they had no idea when he could snap and do something completely out of hand. "Take it easy." Murphy finished.

"I hate to agree with John here, but he's... right, I guess." Diana said to Finn, her eyes on him, the grip on her gun still tight.

All words had gone unheard. "How much ammo do we have?" Finn asked.

"We are not killing these people." Diana's jaw was clenched, this was a group of innocent villagers. "Collins, I swear if you try something stupid, I'll put one between your eyes." They stared at each other angrily.

Murphy scoffed under his breath. "Ya know, I think I liked you better as a peacemaker." He murmured.

( author's note )
so like hey, it's probably only half a year.
my bad.

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