Rise of Darkness (Ru's Prologue)

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Am I awake or dead? I think to myself as I hear the sound of crows flying outside of my bed chamber. I wishfully assume it's the latter as it was quieter than usual. By now, I would be welcomed by four servants. Each one telling me something new that I would have to do today all the while getting me dressed and feeding me. Yet, there wasn't even a shuffle outside my door. Must've woken up early again. Eye's still closed, I slowly urged myself to go back to sleep. Sleep was a rare thing for a lady to get. The thoughts were coming back. The ones I try so desperately to get rid of, the ones I can't share. With each toss and turn in my bed, I gave up. My eyes shot open and I was greeted with a severed head. I screamed and rushed out of bed. Due to my movement, the head rolled off of my bed and landed on the floor with a hard thud. My breathing was heavy as I was sitting on the floor just watching the head slowly roll towards me. The head came to a stop. I began to observe. Short brown coily hair? There weren't a lot of people I knew with this type of hair. The skin was gray, yet seemed as if it would be tanner if he were alive. The eyes were pitch black, however the pupils looked like those of a cat. My fear died down and turned into a strange comfort. I got up from the floor, slowly stalking towards the head wanting to know more about his origin. He seemed so familiar yet I never saw him before. A scar appeared on his cheek as I got closer. With each step, the scar glowed brighter. Appearance wise, it was quite similar to a F. I reached my hand out to touch the scar, something beckoning me to touch the burning symbol. As my hand got closer, I heard footsteps outside my door. Then my name. I ignored the sounds, my hand an inch away from the cheek. The background noise got louder. I made contact with the scar, scorching heat flowing through my hand as if my hand was about to melt off. My vision turned to white...

"LADY RU! GET UP THIS INSTANT!" I woke up with a start. Sweat poured from my forehead. Heavily breathing, I checked my window. A normal day. No gray skies. My mind was racing. That head, I knew who it was, but at the same time I didn't. My hand was tingling, which seemed to match the flow of electricity. This has happened before, not the dream, but the hand nerves. As if my hand fell asleep, but I can fully move it. Each time this happens, it feels more powerful than before. Like something is trying to escape from me.

"Runa," I stopped looking at my hand and darted my eyes towards the door. With that strict tone, I knew that wasn't good. I really overslept this time. Before I could get lectured, I jumped out of bed. For some reason, I was a bit too strong with my sudden movements. When I landed on the floor, I slightly cracked the fine mahogany planks. I was surprised, but I didn't dare investigate with my doom upon me. I darted towards my bathroom, hoping I would get some leeway if they thought I was taking a bath. I started the water, not waiting till it got full to jump in. I heard a sigh and the creaks of the floorboard outside of my bedroom door. Odd. The thick doors of the chambers are meant to keep sound out. My bedroom door creeps open as I hear footsteps.

"Runa, I have had about enough of you today. It is eight after! You are supposed to be at your Grandma's lady brunch. Runa! Where are you?"

"I'm in the bath, Mother," I murmur hoping she can hear that. She had a habit of not hearing what I say. As I assumed, this situation was no different. Her footsteps get close to the bath door. I take a deep breath expecting the worst. She flings the door open, her expression riddled with controlled rage. As royals, showing much emotion was seen as explicit or crude. Yet, I learned to read my family's facial expressions like a book.

"Good morrow, Princess Ada. What brings you to my bath chambers this fine morning?" I always tend to make light of the situation I'm in. Helps me to see the joy in this world. My mother, Princess Ada, wasn't having it though.

"Runa Askyne I am going to have two servants come in to dress you. You are going to be late, but it's better than never. Your Grandma, your Queen, was wanting to spend some time with you," I struggled not to roll my eyes at that last comment. She just wanted me to see how "true ladies" act. That's all she ever cared about. Same with my mom.

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