History of Fae: Runa

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The music is way too loud. The thumping of feet on the wooden floor, the loud string instruments that were playing the notes way too sharply, the murmur of royals not having a good time, the drinks being poured by servants, and my own heartbeat became an annoyance.

"I'm back my Lady. How are you enjoying the party?" 

I turned to my right. My betrothed was holding two glasses of wine. He had a gold doublet paired with black slacks. For someone who just recently became a lord of his own land, he sure doesn't dress like it. I took the drink from Destin's hand, gingerly taking a sip before I answered him.

"Oh it's great. The same as the other royal gatherings. Way too loud," I quietly responded. He looked around. As if observing who was watching us. Which is practically everyone. I saw my mother with her husband in the middle of the dance floor. Princess Ada was a gift to all. Her marriage to Dagr was celebrated throughout the kingdom for weeks. I was simply the odd burden that really had no purpose. Except for now.

"Hey, how about we share this dance?" Destin kindly asked as he took my hand. I raised my eyebrows as I took another sip of my drink.

"No thanks. I have this wine to drink. I might turn in early as well. I have lessons tomorrow," I took my hand away from his as I started to walk towards the ball room doors. Tears were stinging my eyes. From what? Couldn't tell you. I could hear Destin's voice as he talked to the guests. Boasting about his land. Probably telling all the ladies that they can visit anytime they want. Afterall he isn't married...yet. I shook that thought away. I didn't want to cross that bridge. I may have told a white lie to Destin about going to my chamber.

I wasn't tired, but I was in the mood to let out some aggression. I make my way to the soldier's courtyard. There, wooden dummy's stand in place, dull swords in the racks. Best of all, outside. I breathe in the cool night air. The chill stinging my lungs. I take off my royal blue cloak and set it aside. I shiver once as I smile. For once I can breathe. I can feel free. I take one of the swords nestled in the weapons rack. To my knowledge, no one knows I came here, well, except for the captain, but he swore not to tell a soul. Seem's he kept his word. I grip the shortsword with my right hand. Not too loose, not too tight. It's important to keep the balance. I prepare to strike the dummy, slowly circling it as if it was my prey. I try to replicate what I see during the day. The knights almost seem as if they are dancing, I move smoothly through the motions. Closing my eyes to try to remember the best I can. I asked my mother once for private lessons, but she never accepted.

I was panting as my sword hit the dummy in weak lunges. About 30 minutes have passed and I was still the same weak, worthless lady I have always been. Out of frustration, I strike the dummy with all of my strength; no longer caring what the correct, graceful way to do this. My sword cuts into the dummy. Only halfway, but still sends me through a panic. I try to force the sword out, prying and pulling, till it forcefully popped up. "Ow!" I fall onto the ground, the dulled edge of the sword hitting me on the forehead, causing a small cut to form.

"Now this. This is pathetic. This is what your mom has been doing in my absence?"

Out of fear I rush up to stand. I pick up the sword and face the intruder. I don't know where this man is. I looked around, my eyes starting to sharpen in the night. Then I see him. A tall, dark figure towards the end of the training courtyard. My breathing slows as I think of what to do next. Surely if I scream for help, he will just kill me faster than lighting. He started to walk towards me, something catching in the moonlight. An emblem? I thought only royals and knights had those.

"You can put your sword down, Runa. I am not here to hurt you," The stranger stepped fully into the open while pulling his hood down. His face...I looked at the cheek. The scar seemed frightly familiar. I take a deep breath and gently set down the sword in the sand. If I'm going to die, it's going to be quick, I hope. I try not to make eye contact with the newfound stranger, who I'm beginning to think isn't really a stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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