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↳ scenario 1↰
   ◅▻ you had only been in the Scout regiment for five months when the wall of shinganshina fell, and by god you were not prepared for it. two new breeds of titan were discovered that day, both of them more terrifying than any abnormal anyone had ever seen and no one knew how to fight them. flying through the streets with ease on your odm gear, a 13 meter titan's hand swoops in out of nowhere, smacking you from the air like a fly. screaming you tumbled down the tile roof, hands scrambling for a grip you couldn't find until you slid to the edge, barely hanging on. steam bellowed and the ground shook with the weight of the massive monster as it fell. a hand reached through the dust and steam towards you, pulling you from the edge of the building and out of your shock. you..

↳scenario 2↰    ◅▻ everyone sat around the fire silently, listening to the animals of the night make soft noises as most of their comrades slept

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↳scenario 2↰
    ◅▻ everyone sat around the fire silently, listening to the animals of the night make soft noises as most of their comrades slept. reiner, levi, eren and armin sat some distance away discussing their plan for the following day of the expedition outside the wall. sitting with mikasa, you both sat and watched them silently. after a moment, she asked you a question. "do you think we'll make it home alive?"
pondering the question, you looked from the boys to her.
"with them, we can do anything. they're practically gods along with the Titans knowing how they can take them down. i'm not worried Mikasa, and neither should you. have faith in your comrades"
just as those words left your lips, your [insert love interest here] glanced over at you from where they sat and your gaze met. only for a moment, and you felt a blush creep up on your cheeks. [insert love interest here] quickly glanced back at Erwin as he cleared his throat. mikasa raised a concerned brow at your facial expression, and opened her mouth to speak before [insert love interest] 's shadow loomed over the both of you.
"can I talk to you? i have some things i'd like to go over with you.." you...

↳scenario 3↰     ◅▻ levi sat with his arm around you, twirling a small piece of your hair in his fingers

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↳scenario 3↰
◅▻ levi sat with his arm around you, twirling a small piece of your hair in his fingers. he had been taking special notice of you since your injury, mostly because he'd been at fault for it, thought he'd never personally admit it. it was freak occurrence. you were not even two miles from the wall when the abnormal titans attacked. not many members of your squad made it back.
he thought you had been asleep, so when you stirred you heard a sharp breath from the person next to you, and you opened an eye.
"captain Levi? why are you still here?" you whispered, watching the candle that dimly lit up the room dance from the drift that came through the window. the piece of hair he had been playing with fell softly against your cheek and he shifted.
"i wanted to see how you were healing. that is all," he grumbled sleepily. "it seems you're healing fine, so I'll go." he spoke a bit more gruff this time as he rose from the infirmary bed.
"you can stay if you'd like, i don't mind the company. perhaps you can read me a story," you mumbled, hoping to get a rise out of him. it didn't take much to annoy the small man. although you couldn't see it, you felt the energy of the half smirk from across the room.
"perhaps..," he rested on the word sarcastically, "perhaps if you need a bed time story, you're in the wrong regiment." he 'tch'ed' and you heard the floor creak as he turned to leave.
"lev— captain Levi, wait," you...
[a bit more or a romance one :)]

 [a bit more or a romance one :)]

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↳scenario 4↰

◅▻ it has only been two weeks since Annie revealed to you that she could turn into a titan. who knew your best friend, someone you thought you had known and grown quite fond of could be something you were trained to kill. trained to hate. it was eating at you alive and you were completely terrified. why would she tell you if she didn't plan on eating you? and what of bertholdt and reiner? they were so close with her...did they know too? the thoughts were broken by a series of hard knocks at your door. sitting frozen, you sat silent waiting to see if they would announce themselves or leave, but no footsteps went.
" [your name] , listen, I want to talk to you. please, it's okay I promise," annie's voice rang out, cold and emotionless which was to no surprise. not making a noise, you stepped carefully on floorboards you knew were silent until you were near the door. underneath, three shadows loomed. but only one voice. you...

↳scenario 5↰    ◅▻ create your own! Feeling creative? Have an idea in mind? Let me know and I'd love to do it!

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↳scenario 5↰
    ◅▻ create your own! Feeling creative? Have an idea in mind? Let me know and I'd love to do it!

☘️please note that some scenarios may change or be added! ☘️

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