●The beginning of the end● ch2

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I woke up to Tory waking me up earlier than anyone else.   He said that Carver needed to talk to me.  I got up off the ground since I gave my cot to Clem.   Tory as always gave the ‘death glare’  like we should be afraid of him.  I wasn’t though,  but he was scared of mine.   As we walked to the door he mentions that I have to keep an eye on Mike and Kenny later on near the walls after I talk to caver.  Tory shuts the big door behind me so then no one else would make a run through the door.  I start to walk to Carvers office, but as I walk I could feel eyes watching me move every step.  I walked up to the stairs that led to Carver's office, I could feel my stomach drop every step I took as I reached his office.  Flash of memory of him.. Hurting me, touching me, mutilating me in his twisted lies.
   I reach to grab the door knob that opens to his office.  He was sitting in his chair facing backwards.  I could feel my great race but I still kept an emotionless face.    “Do you know why I called you here, (y/n)?”   he turns around to face me.  He made a hand jester for me to have a seat.  As I walked to the chair to sit down I responded to his question.   “No sir, I do not.” 
He looks at me with his evil grin.  He sits up and rests his hands on the desk.     “Let me cut to the case,  I need you to report to me whatever activity is going on in the pod.  Got it?”    I look at him with an emotionless face.  I was panicking in my head.  What if they get hurt, or they get in trouble..  But that panic quickly ended.  I could just lie to him that would work.   “Yes sir”   I say with a calm voice.  He looks at me with a grin.  “Good,  now why don’t you get to work?”  I got out of my seat and started to walk to the door.   As I walk to the door I can see a big person tied up.  He was beaten, I could tell by the bruises and cuts. 

   I walk out of Carver's office.  I could see Bonnie talking to Tory.  She turns her head to face me.     “Oh hey (y/n),  I need you to hand out the pods breastfest.”   I looked at her and nodded my head in a sign that I understood.  She gives me a tiny friendly smile as she opens the doors for me as I bring in a tiny wagon with food.  Tory follows behind me.  As I walked in I could see that everyone was awake besides Clem.  She needed to rest anyway.  She had been through so much.   Kenny walks up to us with a grin.    “Good morin’ (y/n)-”  but that grin fades away fast as Tory aims his gun up at him.    “Hey! Back down, you will get your food in a minute!”    I turn to Tory with a death galer.  He backs down quickly and backs up.

    Kenny looks at Tory with an angry face,  they were both giving the stare to each other.   I handed food to Kenny.  He gives me a smile.  “Thanks (y/n)”  I gave him a smile. I could tell that Tory was shocked that I showed emotions to one of the pod members. I went to respond to Kenny but Tory got to spit out something before I had the chance to.   “You got your food, so scram!”    I could see that Kenny was p1ssed at the comment that Tory had made.  I had enough of Tory’s bullshit.     “Ya know Tory, if you could shut the hell up I wouldn't be here in charge. So why don’t you shut your mouth before I do”     I snapped back at Tory with a death galer.   He looked at me with a shocked face. He was gonna say something but he kept it to himself.  Kenny looks at me in shock for defending him.  I turned back towards the wagon that had food in it.  I grab a good amount for everyone else that is in the pod.   “Here Kenny hands these out for everyone else.”   I look at Kenny with  a smile while handing the food to him.  He looks at me with a smile.  “Thanks again (y/n)”   “no problem Kenny”  

    I walk out of the pod with Tory following me.   I could sense the anger coming from him.    “What the hell was that for (y/n)! You know you're not supposed to defend them!”       I turn to meet Tory gaze.    “Tory for once in your lifetime could you shut the hell up before I beat you with a crowbar..”    He was about to say something but Bonnie walked in.     “heya (y/n),  could you take my shift on the walls?”     “uh.. Y-yeah sure.”     I start to walk towards the exit where the border up walls are at.  I had to examine the walls to see if they needed repairs.  They could use a couple more wooden boards and nails before the herd comes.  ‘ I really hope that it's not bad.  I finished examining the walls.’  I got a report on the radio from glen.     “(y/n), go to the pod.  Carver is having a meeting. Do you copy?”   “copy”   

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