Staying Awhile?

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I smiled at him and nodded, "If you don't mind staying then yes. Please Say." I said to him. He smiled pulling me over to the living room. I steppedd away from him, to turn on the tv, as gamz sat on the couch. I grabbed the remote and sat next to him, giving him a small smile, "How's life?" I asked him.

Gamzee i=only shrugged, running a handy through his unruly curls, "SaMe As AlWaYs... No PaReNtS. NeArLy FaIlInG sChOoL. My MiRaClEs EvErY dAy. YoU sHoUlD kNoW tHiS.." I frowned slightly, at the mention of his smoking. "ThErE aRe TwO tHiNgS kEePiNg Me FrOm DoInG aNyThInG eXtReMeLy StUpId..."

I looked up at him raising an eyebrow, "Whats the second one? I know that... smoking... is one of them. Whats the other?" He pulled me closer to him looking down at me. My voice went rigid at the mention of his smoking.

He picked up the remote looking back up at the t.v, "YoU" He said with a smile. Me? I blushed, my thoughts beginning to race around as usual. 

"Why me Gamzee?"  I asked him, looking back up at him, "What do I do that's so great and wonderful?" 

He tugged me against his chest, pushing my bangs from my eye. He looked me straight in the eyes, "BeCaUsE yOu CaRe. YoU'vE aLwAyS mOtHeRfUcKiN cArEd. YoU'vE bEeN tHeRe FoR mE sInCe We MeT." His hand slid down my cheek, and twirled a piece of my hair.

I blushed at his touch and his words. His eyes stayed on mine for the next few minutes, making my blush that much brighter. My cheeks were on fire, making gamzee smile. He rubbled his thumb over my nearly red cheek.

"YoU'rE sO aDoRaBlE wHeN yOu BlUsH." He said, continuing to rub my cheek. The blush spread through to my ears and slightly down my neck. Why did he make me blush so much??? Oh right Im fucking inlove with the guy.

"Shut up Gamz..." I muttered pushing off his chest, and scooting back over a little bit, trying to give distance to see if the heat on my entire face would subside. It didn't.

He grinned and leaned into my line of vision of the t.v, "Oh CoMe oN sAm..." He leaned closer. My eyes met his and my thoughts screamed for me to meet my lips to his. But before I could, not to mention I was nearly frozen deciding what to do, he moved to whisper in my ear. "CaLm DoWn..."

I shook my head, and shoved him back onto the couch, co=urling my lip in slight aggitation, "fucking tease..." I muttereed under my breath.

He sat back laughing.

"What the fuck??" I asked him, looking at him.

He looked back, "I just wanted to see your reaction." 

I just threw a pillpw at him, "fuck you." He moved the pillow from his face, and grinned grabbing my wrist pulling me closer.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, leaning in closer to whisper in my ear again, "if you insist..." It made me shiver, making him grin. 

I shook my head at him, and pushed back, "not what I meant and you know it.." 

He noddded, "I know sam. I was only fucking with you." He chuckled.

I threw another pillow at him. Thus was the birth of a beautiful twenty minute pillow fight.

After I threw the last pillow at gamzee's face, I saw him stiffen. I could tell his thoughts and sentences were getting more and more collected and clear. I stiffened looking up at him. Things were stirring in his odly colored indigo eyes.

"WhAtS wRoNg...?" He asked me.

"I... I-I wish you didnt smoke gamz." I said to him, collapsing against the couch, my stomach sinking.

He came to my side, kneeling on the floor, "You know what would happen if I didn't." 

I stiffened, yeah I remembered last time when he stopped for a bit. In seventh grade. He didn't tell me why he had stopped for that week. But he was so much more aggitated, and a teacher went off on him for not doing his homework. He got angry, and punched the teacher in the face. I had to pull him off, and then... well later that day I went to his house to make sure he was ok.. And well... he was set off again... I left seventh grade with many scars. I shook the thoughts away, and looked back at gamzee.

His facial expression softened, as did his eyes that showed pain, "I'm still sorry for that year... " He murmured nearly no louder than a whisper. "I regret it everyday... It's why I still smoke Samantha... I never want to hurt you like that again. ever." He said stronger. 

I nodded, "I get it I guess.... But Gamzee... I... I don't want you to have to keep doing this... Please... And I don't want you to leave..."

He wrapped his arms around me tightly, "I have to though. You know I do.. " He sighed, "I'll come back in an hour if you want me too.." 

I sighed, and let myself lean into his chest, "Yes."I answer immediately. "Text me when you're coming back. " I said to him leaning back to look at him. 

He nodded kissing my forehead, "I will Sam..." He murmured, letting me go. Our eyes locked again for a nother minute. I chewed on my lip for a moment, wondering what he was going on in his head. "good bye..." he muttered, getting up, going out of the house.

I sat there for a good ten minutes, before reaching for my phone.


Ok guys, Here's the update!!! Oh comment when you guys think they'll be together XD haha and what you think will happen next :p lemme know what you think! :D

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