Lunch time pt. 2

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I shook my head "I can't fucking tell you. " I sighed and looked away from Gamzee. If I told him it would ruin the entire friendship that we had built since elementary school. 

Gamzee sighed, "I'm NoT uSeD tO tHiS sAm." I looked up at him quizzically, "YoU aRe'Nt TeLlInG mE wHaT's WrOnG. iT's JuSt So MoThErFuCkInG dIfFeReNt..." He told me looking down at me.

I chewed on my lip and just looked at him, "I can't tell you this Gamzee. Not yet anyway alright? I'm not ready to say this... I'm really not." I looked back down but Gamzee's hand caught my chin and brought my face back so I could look at him. It made me blush again. Damn this boy could make me blush so easy.

"YoU hAd BeTtEr TeLl Me SoOn SaM... " He smiled lightly and dropped his hand from my chin and placed it on mine.

He made me smile, and I nodded. The warmth from his hand was very comforting... I sighed lightly, "Alright Gamzee. I'll tell you by the end of the month." I smiled at him.

He nodded, "I'm GoOd WiTh ThAt. " Right as he said that the half bell rand and he had pulled me close into a little more than friendly embrace. I blushed brightly, as I was forced to lean on his chest, and wrapped my arms around him as well.

We sat like that for a few minutes then we heard someone calling for us. It was Sollux. He approached us almost cautiously, I could see why. He was missing his glasses, and he was nearly blind without them. "Hey guy2 have you two 2een KK anywhere?" He stepped closer, probably trying to see us clearer. "He took my gla22e2 and ii can't 2ee much of anythiing wiithout the--" He squinted to see us a little clearer, then his eyes widened in surprise. "Am ii iinterruptiing 2omethiing?" He asked us. He stood infront of us, at about 5'7'' with warm brown hair. His eyes stood out ot everyone. He had two different colored eyes, one blue and another that was alot greener. He was kind of scrawny, but it fit him a little bit.

"WhAt Do YoU mEaN sOlBro?" Gamzee asked him back, his arms loosening around me a little bit.

"iit ju2t 2eem2 liike you two are.." His voice drifted. I lokoed at him and glared, I really hoped he didn't what I think he was ablout to say. "ii don't know, acting liike a couple." He suppressed a laugh, and he obviously didn't catch my look. He was half blind without his glasses after all.

"WhOa, MoThErFuCkEr. YoU kNoW sAm AnD i JuSt BeSt MoThErFuCkInG fRiEnDs." He said with a hint of a pink blush showing through his clown makeup. His words hit me like a thousand daggers to th heart, but his face... It gave me a little bit of hope that those words were false... Or at least would be in the future.

Sollux let the laugh out finaly, "2o ii'm gue22iing you guy2 haven't 2een Karkat. ii'll ju2t leave you two alone now." With that he turned away and laughed to himself some more and began walking away.

"WhAt ThE fUcK wAs ThAt AbOuT?" Gamzee asked me leaning back a little so he could see my face.

I giggled, "Hey Gamz... My turn to ask. Why are you blushing?" 

Gamzee loked at me, his blush more prominent now, "I... uhh..... I umm.."


Haha what did you guys think? Don't worry I have a lot of this written and I will continue uploading it on here it's just annpying to type something you've already written on paper ya know? But anyway OI hope you enjoyed this part... All three have been part of what I like tp think Is all a chapter one plus another part, but I'm making it smaller parts but uploading maybe twice a week.... what do you think?

Oh and I've written alot more stories than this, If you would like to see non homestuck related writing of mine, let me know and I'll get some other stories on here :)

Expect another part by the end of the week and please comment and vote :o) 

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