Lunch Time pt. 3 -- Eridan's annoying

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I laughed at him, "Now you're starting to sound a little bit like Tavros." 

"Oh ShUt Up SaM." He said to me, running a free hand through his hair, sighing faintly as the blush stayed and wouldn't go away.

I gave his hand a squeeze, "Come on Gamz. Lets go get some lunch." I stood up and pulled him up with me. 

He shook his head with a smile, "WhAtEvEr YoU sAy SaM.." As we began to walk, he still held my hand tight and kept my close at his side. It made me realize how tall he was compared to me all over again. We walked off of the field and people started to stare at us where ever we went. It was very unsettling. It made part of me sick to know that I was being looked at, but even more because I was with Gamzee. I tried to bring my hand back down to my side and release our intertwined fingers, but Gamzee had frowned at my attempt, so i just let it be. It all just made me blush. I didn't want people thinking the wrong thing. And just as I had thought that, a voice interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Wwell wwell, the loner and the stoner finally together?" Eridan asked us. Well more of me, b ecause Gamzee had been mindlessly walking and was  now just looking towards the sky.

"I swear Ampora..." I growl as a flash of anger washed over me and all of my features. 

"Oh, so it's not him you wwere talking about in math?" He snickered at me.

I shook my head, "Just shut the fuck up before I fucking make you!" I looked at Eridan then glanced up at Gamzee, who looked like he was returning to the current situation.

Eridan smirked, "I kneww it." 

"Damn it Ampora!" I nearly yelled, catching a few glances, "Shut the hell up!"

Gamzee looked down at us and turned to me, "SaM, yOu ShOuLd ChIlL.." He gave me a small smile, not really knowing what i was yelling about.

"Yeah, Sam. No need to get vviolent." Eridan chimed in taking a step closer.

"You really think it's a good idea to get closer to me." I growled, glaring at him. He paled slightly. "Listen well hipster-bitch. Back the fuck off of my love life and my whole life in general, before i motherfucking make you!" 

Gamzee looked at both of us, "I dOn'T rEaLlY kNoW wHaT's GoInG oN rIgHt NoW, bUt BrO, YoU sHoUlD mOtHeRfUcKiN lIsTeN tO hEr. ShE dOeSn'T uP aNd FuCk ArOuNd WhEn ShE's ThIs PiSsEd." He said to Eridan. It was comforting that he was telling him to back off as well even though he didn't understand why.. I smiled faintly.

Eridan paled more, and whimpered, "Wwhatevver Makara. I'll be leavving then." He walked away, his violet cape flowing out from behind the stupid douchebag. 

Gamzee looked at me after a minute, with a confused look, "WhAt StRuCk SuCh A nErVe? WhAt DiD hE sAy?" He gave my hand a squeeze. "WhEn I HeArD yOu YeLl, I wAnTeD tO pUnCh WhAtEvEr WaS mAkInG yOu UpSeT. BuT yOu HaD tHaT mOtHeRfUcKiN sHiT cOvErEd."

I bit my lip, "Nothing Gamzee... You'll find out later.."

Gamzee grinned, "So It'S aBoUt Me ThEn?" He asked me, begining to walk again. I noticed a few more stare as we continued to walk.

"Yeah it was." I murmured, "Maybe you'll be able to figure it out Gamz.." I blushed, walking to the lunch line.

As we got to the lunch line, I saw Kanaya, who was just grinning at the two of us. Oh great, i thought. She assumed that we were together too. I sighed, blushing a little bit, looking towards the ground. Why did everyone have to think that so quickly, jumping to a false conclusion?

Gamzee looked down at me, his indigo eyes showing through a bit of worry and concern. "Nothing to worry about I promise." I murmured resisting the urge to lean into his chest.

He shook his head, expression changing to his normal happy-high self, "WhAtEvEr YoU mOtHeRfUcKiN sAy SaM." 

We walked into the line and grabbed the last two trays of pizza, but suddenly I was feeling hungry at all. Just the thoughts that were swirling through my head were making me sick. What if Eridan started to spread a rumor? What if everyone thought we were dating? They probably already do. What if Gamzee finds out that I like hiim from someone else? What will he think? My stomach churred, making me nauseous.

"Of course..." I muttered under my breath so Gamzee couldn't hear me. We made our way back to our spot on the field. Once we sat down, Gamzee let go of my hand, which caused a frown from me. The loss of warmth... I sighed lightly and lokoed down at my food. "So many people are staring Gamz.."

He shrugged, "I dOn'T mOtHeRfUcKiNg SeE wHy." He stated, taking a bite of pizza. He looked at me, and after swallowing the pizza he asked, "YoU oKaY? sOmEtHiNg Is ReAlLy BoThErInG yOu..." He wiped his mouth and surprisingly, none of his makeup had smeared. Gamz leaned in in close to me, but I hadn't noticed until I could feel his breath on my shoulder.

I blushed furiously, and looked up towards him. Had he been any closer, our lips would have been touching. I think he noticed that because he leaned back an inch and a blush began to show through his makeup again. I glanced at his lips then looked up into his eyes, something was stirring in the depths.

Before either of us could move any closer, I ducked down and leaned into his chest, burrying my face into his shirt. I could almost feel him smile, as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. This just made me blush a bit more, and want to hide my face.

"ArE yOu FeElInG aLrIgHt SaM?" He asked, with a slightly concerned tone. My only response was a shake of my head, and burying my self further. He arms tightened almost protectively around me, "Do YoU hAvE a PrObLeM wItH sKiPpInG sChOoL?" He asked. I shook my head again. The next thing i know, is I'm being lifted, carried. I looked up and Gamzee was carrying me bridal style and holding both of our bags on his back.

I clutched his shirt, blushing, "Wh--?"

He cut me off immediately. " YoU sAiD yOu WeReN't FeElInG wElL sO i'M tAkInG yOu HoMe. He shrugged and continued to the student parking lot. I could feel so many pairs of eyes on us... Great... Just fucking great. 


AHHHHHH SORRY ITS BEEN SO LONG.  I was distracted over the break and I ve been busy with school

Any way I hope you enjoy the chapter. More to come soon. Remember comment and vote :o)

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