some things before we start :]

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Character  info

Thomas Simons/Tommy (TommyInnit)

Age: 18 

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi (in this story he is)

Pronouns: he/him

Crushes: Ranboo (but he doesnt know it yet)

Status: single

Mark (Ranboo)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Pronouns: he/him

Crushes: Tommy (also doesnt know it)

Status: single

Toby Smith (Tubbo)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pan

 (I am not sure of his sexuality and I tried looking it up so pls dont come at me for this. im writing him as pansexual for this story)

Pronouns: he/him

Crushes: none

Status: single (thirdwheel) [no 1 supporter of alliumduo lol]


Motherinnit (tommy's mother)

Motherboo (ranboo's mother)

Jack Manifold

Nikita (Nihachu)

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