Chapter 14

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-Tyler's POV-
When Troye walks out i start to laugh out loud, then I remember his whole family are asleep and stop.

When he finally walks back in i hug him "You're such a little shit" he grumbles, he goes to his drawer and pulls out a big t-shirt, he throws it at me "Go change" i walk into his en suite bathroom,(God knows why he went to the upstairs bathroom) and change.

When I walk out Troye is on his laptop again "Troye it's almost 3, go to sleep!" i say, he huffs but puts his laptop down to the side of his bed.

I get under the cover and cuddle up to him, just before I fall fast asleep i hear him whisper "I love you"

The next morning i wake up to Troyes cute little head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.

I smile, this is how I want to wake up every day. To my beautiful soulmate and maybe, one day, our kids.

Woah, Tyler slow down, you literally met him a few weeks ago.

I feel him stir and i smile down at him "Goodmorning sleepyhead!" i say and kiss his head. "Morning Handsome" he replys.

I giggle at how deep his voice is "You're so cute!" he scrunches up his nose in disgust at my words, this made him look even cuter, I kiss his head again.

"Let's get up" he says and jumps off of me, I stand up slowly and check my phone, I had a few messages from Korey and my mum, I replied to my mum then threw the phone down. I have to wear my clothes from last night which is gross but I'll survive, when we're ready Troye takes my hand and pulls me downstairs.

Shaun looks surprised to see me "Uh, hi Tyler? When did you get here?" He gives Troye a glare, "Umm, Tyler slept around last night cos we for home really late and his mum didn't want him going out so late" Troye answers looking down at his feet.

"Well i hope all you did was sleep" Shaun says seriously, I feel my cheeks start to heat up "Yes sir, it was" i answer, "Fine then, just make sure you ask next time"

Troye sighs with relief and starts to make breakfast, Shaun walks upstairs "I thought he was gonna murder me" Troye says and i laugh "He's cool"

"My Mum's gonna murder me for sure though" i laugh again at him as he starts to make toast "Nutella?" he asks and I nod "Good, I'm not sure that I could be with you of you didn't like Nutella" whilst he puts the toast in, i wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder, I see his mouth turn into a slight smile.

After breakfast i decide that I should probably go home to my Mum, as it's a Sunday she isn't working.

I say goodbye to Troyes family and he drives me back, I kiss him before waving goodbye and stepping inside. "Mum. I'm home!" i shout, no one answers "Mum?" i ask again, I check every room of the house but she's not home.

I call her but no one answers, where the hell is she? I search through the house before i finally see a note on the floor near the fridge: Gone to see Micheal, will be home around 9 xx

I sigh in relief and sit down on the sofa, why hadn't she just text me? And who the hell is Micheal? I text her asking who Micheal is but she still doesn't reply.I go upstairs and clean my room, this takes a couple of hours and it's 5 by the time in finished.

I call Troye and talk to him before going to bed, I went to bed at around 10 yet mum still wasn't home, what an eventful day.

(Hey bitches, I'm gonna do a ginormous time skip of two months. Nothing really happens during these months so ya know)

It's the last day of May and I'm going shopping with Zoe to get Troye a birthday present, I picked Zoe up at 11 and we went for lunch first.

We were talking about Troye when Zoe casually asks "So how far have you gone with him?" I choke on my drink "What... What do you mean?" I stutter, she laughs "I meant have you had sex?" she asks without even blinking.

"No!" I say, "Jesus Zoe, we've known each other like 3 months!" She shrugs, I smile at her sarcastically "What about you and Alfie?" she laughs "You don't wanna know" she raises an eyebrow at me suggestively.

"Eww! Really?!?" i almost shout, a few people turn and look at me, Zoe just shrugs "We've been together since year 8" she states "It's been like 5 years" I pretend to gag and she laughs at me.

"Oh grow up" she says, "I bet it won't be long for you" I scrunch up my face, "Let's get this goddamn present"

Authors note-
Hello citizens of the world, how are ya?

Sorry it's been sooooo long and this chapters shorter than usual but I've been extremely busy, also been reading 27 minutes by happinessintime again (why the fuck am I putting myself through this shit again? I am a wreck right now. (But if you ship Larry, or even if you don't, you should read it so we can all be wrecks together))

Also, sorry if.I made any mistakes, please tell me! I'm just trying to publish this ASAP!

Thank you so so so so so much for reading. Bye

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