Chapter 2

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He left his phone downloading Hinge as he went to go change into something comfortable, he changed into a pair of sweatpants and a crop top

once he finished, he went and checked on the app that was now downloaded. He made an account and added all the information needed(I don't know how Hinge works so please 😭✋🏽). after a few minutes, suggestions started coming in, the one profile that caught his eye was written "Shoto Todoroki". He swiped right, after a few minutes. The results came back saying 'Matched' "guess I'll wait for him to text first..." Izuku said as he got another notification from one of his close friends 'Mina'
'Does she know ?' Izuku asked himself, seeing that he wanted to surprise the pink haired woman
Izuku- Izuku
My brat ✨

Yo, don't hide it from me, mom told me your back, so don't you dare surprise me.
'Yup, she knows alright-'|
Is that how you greet me after 2 years?

No- but

If it's like that, I'm not talking to you  😒

Damn- what happened in Japan 😬

Well, if you really want to know-
My ugly ass blonde ex-boyfriend cheated on me with some red ass shark looking a$$h0le so I moved here :)

Damn- slayy


Wanna go to the club to take your mind off of things 😉

Sure why not 🤷🏻‍♂️

Maybee~ you might find someone 😉

We'll see 😋

Your driving, I'm taking an Uber to your house

Ugh fine 🙄

_________out of chat_________

After he hung up, something he saw before caught his eye again ' you and Shoto Todoroki have matched '

"I wonder when I'll meet this ' Shoto Todoroki'"
He said smiling to himself before setting the 'vibe' as others would say, turning his LED lights to red and playing some music.

—————30 minutes later—————
After he finished, he wore his green robe and a green towel for dry his hair. After he came out, there was a lady looking through his clothes and other stuff "looking for something?" The pink haired woman jumped in surprise, hiding something behind her back "N-no.." " what are you hiding?" The greenette said looking straight into her eyes "OKAY! fine , I just really liked this lipstick shade of yours.."
" you can use it if you like, I don't mind" Izuku said shrugging as he went to his closet to get a black, tight dress that hugged his curves along with black platform heels and a few accessories
(Like a pearl necklace, earrings and rings)

"Woah- I forgot how you looking in a tight dress" Mina said staring at Izuku up and down "thank you" Izuku said smiling as he finished putting his last earring. "We go?" "Ofcourse, it's already getting dark" She said getting up. Izuku got his keys and headed out.

——————time skip to the club——————

Once they had gotten in they went to get drinks, after Mina finished she headed to the dancefloor and started dancing with some random lady, while Izuku watched her, but something was off, he felt a pair of eyes burning through him. He looked around the club, even though others were also looking at him, those two eyes that were on Izuku was different. He turned to see a man with his legs spread open, his dual hair, red and white tried back into a half-up-half-down. His heterochromia(different colored) eyes that really stood out, the left was turquoise and the right a dark brownish gray and a weird big faded red scar on his left (I think) that made him more attractive. Then, it popped into his head ' that's the same guy I matched with!' He said with a bright red blush on his face as he turned back to his drink

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