6 - Cassie Day and Tom Cidal

106 14 4

Wednesday 7th May 2008 12:15

"So how does he look?"

Mia side glanced Chris as they walked cautiously towards the back of the library.

"I mean does he look like his body. You know," he pointed at his temples, "with blood pouring out."

"Seriously Chris," she asked whispering in a hushed tone. "Why would you ask - why would you even think that?"

"Curious," he simply said.

Mia strolled ahead and found the daunting geography section.

"He looks like Tom. As if he never died. No blood whatsoever." She paused sighing. "He actually looks sad." She searched around and the area was vacant. "Ok so what do we do now? How do we summon her ghost?"

"We wait... I guess," he hesitated, a slight shrug to his shoulders.

Mia poked him in his chest. "You don't know!"

"Look it's not like I go around summoning people from the dead. I'm no necromancer."

She sat defeated at the table hidden in the corner. Suddenly Tom pulled her up.

"I wouldn't sit there if I was you."

Mia grabbed Chris before he could sit down.

"Tom said not to."

Chris gulped, ducking his head like a chicken. "Oh my God! Is he here?"

Tom stood beside Mia pulling faces. "I'm getting nothing from this guy," he laughed waving his arm in front.

"Chris, he's just next to me on the left." She turned to Tom. "Have you seen her?"

"Oh yeah," he began. "But I got to warn you she's a little bit, enthusiastic."

A sudden shiver ran down Mia's back and she shuddered to see her warm breath against the dropping temperature. Hugging her shoulders she noticed Chris gulp down his trembling fear.

There, behind an eye level gap through the shelf, a pair of wacky red framed glasses followed three students. She blinked several time before she concentrated on the youth with wild short curly hair, an upturned nose and constant uneasiness to his face.

"What do you want?" Cassie asked her voice croaky and annoyed.

Mia spun around, following the sound to the shelf.

"Did you hear that?" she asked Tom.

Cassie stepped back. Unsure, she pushed a text book from the shelf. With a loud thump echoing the walls Mia edged forwards, squinting to see a dark figure hiding behind the shelf.

"Is that you Cassie? Look I just want to talk, that's all."

Cassie shifted to the side and emerged, like a small feral animal unsure whether to attack or keep away. She was short in height and petite in figure.

"Well, what do you want?"

Mia usually had things under control and was always sure to say the right thing, but she didn't think this one through. What do you say to a teenage ghost who's been dead for thirty years?

"I'm dead," Tom interrupted, stepping forward. "And I want to know how I died. You know from one ghost to another."

Chris nudged Mia. "What's going on? Can you see anyone?"

Cassie eyed Chris vertically. "Your friend seems a little clueless about what's happening?"

"He can't see or hear you," Mia said, as she looked at Chris's unsure smile. "Only me and Tom can." She pointed at Tom.

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