1 - Guilt Crawls like a Spider Under Her Skin

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8th January 2008. 13:21

Mia watched from the pavement as she saw Tom being hauled into the ambulance vehicle. Twenty five minutes later he was proclaimed dead in theatre. Twenty four hours later Mia was going to be haunted by his ghost. Those few days were going to be hectic for her.

Same day 11:30

Mia and Chris were walking past the college library when suddenly a broad chest, tall, blond haired male jumped down from the library roof and landed directly in front of them.

Chris let out a short squeaky scream. Mia simply rolled her eyes at the class room clown.

"You should watch were you're going. You never know what could fall from the sky." Tom said pretentiously. He smirked to one side, eyeing Mia.

"Yeah an idiot." She courageously replied. "Tom why don't you go and bug someone else for a change." She firmly pushed past Tom whilst grabbing Chris by his arm, dragging him away with her.

"OK, calm down," Tom blurted out as he began to walk a few strides behind them. "I didn't say anything wrong." He stood directly in front of her. "Jeez Sparrow, you're always in a mood."

Mia shoved Chris ahead to open the heavy double doors leading to the science department and he had done so without a word. Her face screwed with rage. "Oh and you wonder why I'm in such a mood. You were part of my group and all I gave you to do was just look at the accommodation theory. What did you do? OK, let me REFRESH your memory - you didn't do it, which made the presentation go all pear shaped and at the end I got a C grade." She was by now so close to Tom's face that she could have actually spat at him. "A C grade Tom. I have never got a C grade in any subject." She poked him hard in the chest, which caused her more damage. She refused to show the pain and focuses on what she wanted to say. "I have never been so humiliated in my entire life and -"

"Entire life so far," Tom arrogantly suggested.

Mia face was going to erupt like a very fiery volcano. "Don't push your luck Cidal." She backed away from him and glanced back at the library building and then back at him. "Why don't you do something that you're absolutely fantastic at?"

Tom strolled on his words, "And that is..."

"Jumping from A to B, like a chimpanzee," And with that insult Mia stuck her petite nose in the air and caught up with Chris.


Noise... disturbing noise... sounds of anguish screams and loud mummer was what Mia could hear when she came back from the cafeteria.

"What's with the crowd?" Mia asked curiously.

A Chinese male, who stood directly in front of her, half turned to say, "Someone fell from the college library."

Mia felt as if someone had punched her hard in the chest, or that she forgot how to breathe for a split second. She had a terrible feeling that it was Tom. Ok she admitted that she hated Tom but she couldn't actually think he would take her seriously and try to jump from building to building. She felt nauseated with guilt as she reluctantly pushed herself through the crowd.

As she got to the front line, she saw Tom. Her eyes popped out with the disbelief; she felt her insides collapse. Tom was as lifeless as a puppet, probably dead by the look of it. He fell on his front first, his arm and legs spread out like a star fish on a fine day. Blood poured from his head that flowed to a semi circle pool near him. He was lying within his own blood and the most disturbing thing was that he died with his dilated electric blue eyes open.

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