young richie headcanons!

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im gonna do all of the losers headcanons both adult and kid so this is pt.1 of many

-eddie laughed at one of his voices once and he didn't stop doing it for the rest of the day
-has heterochromia specifically one blue eye on brown, my reasoning for this is bc miniseries richie has blue eyes, 2017 richie has brown eyes, and 2019 richie switched between brown eyes contacts and blue eyes
-definitely neurodivergent, you can interpret this however you want to
-despises haircuts bc he wants really long hair
-(canon i think) insecure about his buck teeth because of the irony with his dad being a dentist
-after the blood oath richie kissed eddie but ran away before eddie could react, as adults neither of them forgot but just assumed that the other did
-(canon) gets cigarettes from bev/steals them from his dad
-is literally always cold even in 70° weather
-started having panic attacks after eddie broke his arm in neibolt and found it harder to sleep so his parents had to shove melatonin down his throat cus he couldnt swallow it (ME PROJECTING LMAO)
-has some goofy food allergy
-eddie fell first, richie fell harder
-loves reading horror comics/books but hates horror movies
-(canon) is bad at expressing his feelings and represses them by laughing
-likes pineapple on pizza and WILL NOT take criticism
-(CANON IN THE BOOKS) dresses like a middle aged divorced dad but has the BEST music taste ever

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