Birth of Heroes Part 2

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/ our heroes went to Sandy to help them get to the Flower and Fruit Mountain, but Rong needed to go to the Arrow Mountain ( ), there you need to go the other way, she took a water scooter and swam to where she needed to go. I will not describe how and what happened on the Fruit Flower Mountain. \


Mdam. Here is the Arrow Mountain. Come on...

* the girl was talking to herself*


* looked at the tree*

Oh, snake)

* continued walking*

/ there were also obstacles, for example pits and stones, poisonous spiders, etc. Finally our heroine reached the top, she was damn beautiful, when she passed on, there was a bridge over a large abyss, and there was a waterfall in the abyss, on the other side there was a beautiful flat terrain with peach trees, there was a beautiful two-storey house ( ) with a beautiful view of another mountain with a forest ( ), the girl wandered around the training ground and was looking for someone here. \

??? :

I see you've passed all the tests....

* said a gentle female voice*


* abruptly turned towards the girl and pointed a katana at her*

Who are you.?

???? :

I am Samira, or the Scarlet Samurai. It's nice to know that another heir has finally been found.


* lowered her weapon*

Mgm... I've come to return your katana to you.

* approached the samurai*


Hah, now it's your katana, I have to teach you how to use it. It's not easy so you can lift it, someone can do it.


... And I also came so that you could help defeat KDB.


Listen, you can beat him, your little brother will be with you, you two and your friends will be able to do it in a place! You are very strong!


Good. We can do it!


What a spirit! Well, now I'm taking you to the city.



/ well, the Rong was moved to the city, later the battle broke out, krch, I'll spend until the moment when these two turn into their mechs (the Rong fur is her native monster, so everyone from her family can turn into it\


Well! Come here!


* eerie silence*

/Anyway, they eventually won, everything is gorgeous, etc \

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