A Pirates Life

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And Draco was whisked away with the raw yell of his name cutting off by the rush of the wind. "Woah!" Draco tried balancing, hand grasping the mast in the centre of the ship. "I thought only people with pixie dust could fly- but you just teleported us." Draco eyed the strange woman with curly hair he should probably start calling his aunt.

She cackled, "Dearest cousin, I was a wiccan in the muggle world." They all laughed with her, "Neverland enhances my powers!" A swish of her long skirt had her form changing, to a raven.

"Did mother?" He asked, petting the raven on the head and chuckling as it went to bite his hand. Around him, Draco didn't see their eyes grow dark.

"No, she did not." Tom answered calmly, different to that hard face he put on. But Draco didn't see that as he was too busy marvelling at the ship.

The sails wore an image of a majestic snake slithering around a horrific skull. As the wind blew, the snake was moving in an infinite loop, through one hole, down and crossed, then back through again. Dark oak wooden planks lined the ships make, no nails in sight or form of mix to keep the wood together. Everything about the ship looked brand new, from the brandy barrels to the steering of the wheel.

"Attention Pirates!" Shouted Tom from the in front of the Captains Quatres. Turning his head, Draco saw some of them looking at him weirdly after spotting the blonde.

There was one man standing amongst the followers that caught Draco's attention. He had black robes, black hair, black eyes: the only light thing about his person was his skin colour and even that was supernatural white.

"We have a new Crewmate joining us!" Announced Tom to his audience earning a cheer from them all. All of their clothes were similar in the black fashion, but their swords or guns were positioned at different places. Some had something across their back to hold the sword while others kept them in their belts. Gun holders were strapped to the black belts that blended perfectly with their eccentric funeral clothing.

"Welcome: Draco Malfoy-" there was an uproar of shouts and screams along with people taking their weapons out, "If any harm comes to him, I will line you up and pick five to walk the plank!" Their weapons returned to the holders and the crewmates shrunk in on themselves. "Good: Draco, join me in the Captain's Quatres." Slowly, Draco made his way to the door, it being opened for him by his aunt.

Soon he was joined by Riddle, gesturing for the blonde boy to take a seat opposite himself. "Draco, I suppose you have many questions." Tom laced his fingers together on the desk.

"Yes, if I am allowed to ask, Mister Riddle?" Draco saw the slight grimace at the use of his name, but Tom didn't comment on it. "How am I meant to save the Pixies?" Draco knew that Tom was the bad guy in all the stories, but he never thought that Harry could be capable of such malice.

"There was a prophecy, that a person brought here before birth, a purest of hearts, a person with the purest hair and skin, will rid Neverland of its darkness, so it remains the utopia it once was." Tom told him, elegantly reaching for a book with a dark green covering. "I, myself, know a different story."

Opening the book, Tom spun it around to Draco. "I will leave you to it: I have duties to attend to." He took the book with him, grabbing a second and third along his way. Admiring the area, Draco couldn't help but be fascinated by the ruby sword as sharp as flint, or the chair sandpapered to shine forever.

Looking out of the windows, Draco couldn't help but think over the events of the day. Waking up next to Harry, him looking so sincere and excitable... that couldn't be faked, could it? Then that book Granger had written. Next, the events at the Lake. What Tom had told him and what Harry had withheld.

And that Prophecy, too, stating a person brought here before birth, a purest of hearts, a person with the purest hair and skin, will rid Neverland of its darkness, so it remains the utopia it once was. . . But he wasn't the purest of hearts. Pure hair, pure skin, sure. However, heart was a different story.

All his life, Draco had done all he could to be good and live up to his parents' expectations. Always nice, generous, kind, putting others before him. Where had that gotten him? Almost marrying a girl he wouldn't like to appease his mother and father.

Still, he was not pure of heart.

A few seconds later, Tom walked back through the door. Muffled singing and talking suddenly became clear but as quickly as it was there it was gone. Closing the door behind him, Riddle walked to his seat to sit down. "Now you have had time to process, are there any queries you would like answering?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. Why do you want the Pixie dust to yourself?"

Tom laughed- Draco cringed. "Dear, sweet child, it will allow us to sail anywhere we wish. Beyond the realm of Neverland. Somewhere other than these waters." The man took a quick sip of his drink. "My crew are becoming rather restless with my chase for Harry Potter."

"Then, why don't you just... share. I'm sure, with time, Harry would see no reason to keep it all to themselves if you want to leave and he wants you to go. Surely, that would benefit you both."

Sighing, Tom put his glass down. "Potter and I have a 'history', shall you say. Not like that, you will be given to the waters for even thinking of such a repulsive situation." Tom growled so Draco then drew in on himself. "It's a very negative history. We will never see reason, Potter and I."

"..." Draco debated asking his next question. "Do you want to rule Neverland, like mother told me?"

His eyes hardened. Thankfully, a knock came to the door saying Draco's resting quarters had been set up.

Slipping into bed at night, Draco didn't feel right. The bed was lumpy, the quilt itchy and the pillow was like straw. Looking up, the old wood wasn't the same as staring at the night sky with an arm around his shoulders. This was just so wrong.

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