So This Is Love

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Inside the Skull Cave, the Hogwarts Natives painted the walls, telling a story of where this came from. The fairies grew flowers around carved stones. One for Colin, one for Lavender, one for Regulus Black, one for Mad-eye Moody, and one for Parvati Patil. Each with different colours for the flowers.

With Tom Riddle dead, the pirates fled, declaring they will never return to Neverland again, off to terrorise another world. Not Muggle and not Neverland, but hopefully a place where they would be imprisoned.

A week on from the final showdown, and there had already been changes. With no need to hide anymore, Dumbledore removed the charms protecting Hogwarts from the pirates. All the mermaids were back, everyone who was lost to a Boggart or a Dementor returned. Happy tears filtered in when the grievance stopped becoming too much.

But it was time. Time for Draco, Pansy and Blaise to go back...

"You can stay here!" Exclaimed Harry, bouncing with excitement. "We can sleep in the treehouse room together, explore, you can write books out in the wild and go swimming with mermaids, I'm sure they already love you because you managed to get rid of the dementors and-"

"I love you, Harry Potter." Draco whispered, unable to look the other boy in the eyes. "But this isn't my world. My parents need me."


"And I need my parents." Now Draco looked into his eyes, and they reflected his own: shining and wet. Now Draco looked into his eyes, and they reflected his own: shining and wet. "Pansy and Blaise will want to stay, and I cannot blame them if they decide to, but... I can't. At some point I have to grow up. You will always be my one true love, Harry Potter." Draco cupped Harry's cheek, "And my childhood spirit will never die, but this isn't what life is all about. At least, not for me. A part of me will always live in Neverland." He placed a hand on Harry's heart, feeling it beat.

"And a part of me will always be in the Muggle world." Whispered Harry, ready to sob like a baby, placing his hand on Draco's heart.

It wasn't Harry who took Draco back, but Luna, understanding he didn't want to talk. Wishing her a safe journey back, Draco knocked on the door to Malfoy Manor, standing in the pouring cold winter rain. When Narcissa opened the door, Lucius by her side, dressed in pyjamas with red-rimmed eyes, all Draco could say was, "Hi..." Before they cried for their son, taking him into their arms.

"My baby, oh my baby you're alive." Sobbed Narcissa, never wanting to let her son go.

"You're OK." Lucius said out loud, allowing peace to finally take over. His son was home.

A few months later, from his bedroom window, Draco could see the giant Christmas Tree set up every year. Since returning, Draco refused to close his windows, even if he had to sleep with a jumper and multiple blankets most nights. Snow fell heavy, blending with bright lights outlining chimney's, windows, and roofs. It was Christmas Morning, but Draco didn't want to leave his window. Even though he knew Harry wouldn't be coming to see him anytime soon, he still brought the boy a present. Wrapped it in red paper and tied it with a perfect golden bow.

When he told his parents what had happened, they said they were sorry, explained why they lied to him, and said they loved him no matter who he chose to give his heart to.

In the living room, decorated with three stockings, a Christmas tree with lights, tinsel and baubles thrown all over it, and many Christmas ornaments, Draco sat on the floor with a book, his mother's warm hand – that had previously been cradling a mug of hot chocolate – running through his hair. When the doorbell went off, Draco assumed it was charity workers, so took the twenty pounds on the side they kept for when they came over, and opened the door.

This boy at the door had a regal, royal red cape, golden patterns sewn in. His shirt was cut short by his leather trousers and he had a thin, dark oak sash around him. His boots were not clean or polished, they looked like they ran a thousand miles already in a poor condition. The perfect eyed boy had messy raven hair, sticking up every which way, and his glasses didn't help with the glow of his eyes either. "Merry Christmas." Harry smiled, trying to hand Draco a bouquet of flower, only for them to be ignored as Draco threw himself into Harry's arms.

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