Trust In Me

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"Rise and shine, Draco Malfoy." A voice drawled, stirring Draco from his unpeaceful slumber. That man, Draco would recognise anywhere without seeing him a day in his life. He was described as a Pirate that never belonged, a betrayer to their cause. Someone that Voldemort trusted but never knew didn't put his trust in him. Mother said his name was Severus Snape: Second in Command. "Another day aboard the Jolly Roger awaits." He scowled through the word Jolly, like it was a rude term.

"Severus Snape." Draco greeted, trying to gain his whereabouts. "Father's closest friend, correct?" Severus had to contain his shock because Draco was an amazing blend between them. Pure hair, unblemished skin, brough to Neverland then born in the Muggle World.

"Before they fled, I suppose I was."

"Dumbledore's Insider."

"Never speak a word of that unless we are alone, boy." Severus stuck his gun up to Draco, lazily pointing it his way. Draco thought he should have been more threatened, but he knew Snape wouldn't shoot him. Riddle needed him, after all. "Put this on, Captain's Orders." Unceremoniously, Snape threw a bundle of clothes Draco's way. There was a splendid green, frilly, ruffled shirt and a pair of trousers with so many pockets Draco was unsure what to keep in them.  

When Snape left, Draco started to change, collecting his thoughts as he did. So, Harry lied to him. Made him believe he truly liked him, just to fulfil a prophecy. A prophecy Draco didn't see the need to fulfil because, apart from the Pirates and the creatures already on Neverland's lands, there was nothing to fix. Mother never mentioned a true threat or danger to this magical land but Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Then, there was said Tom Marvolo Riddle. The Villain. The person Draco knew was evil, like Scar, like Macbeth's Witches, like any two-dimensional, fictional villain to exist. But he answered Draco's questions, however vague those answers were they were still answers: ones Draco was not getting from the Lost Lot. Maybe he'd have to scrub the deck once or twice, serve them seafood, but that was nothing if he was going to get answers. Like why he was needed, why there was a prophecy anyway, what immediate dangers faced Neverland that only he could solve.

Before yesterday, Draco could never imagine Harry to be deceitful. If anything, Draco thought he was the purest of hearts, forever bound to child-like innocence but aspects of a teenage mindset, grown too young by a troubled past. Perhaps, it was wrong of him to project his version of The Boy Who Never Grew Up onto Just Harry Potter.

Tying his boots, Draco took a deep breath before tentatively opening the cabin door, blinded by the glowing light he assumed was the sun, and a rainbow Draco longed to stare at from the top of the tallest mountain, someone's arm around his shoulders or his around theirs in a comfortable silence. "Look who decided to join us!" Rabastan Lestrange exclaimed, like he was happy but the bags under his eyes and his yellowed skin couldn't portray it right. Every single person on this ship Draco knew. He knew their names, knew descriptions, and could now put a name to a face. 

"Alright Mini Malfoy?" Barty Crouch Jr nodded to him. If it wasn't for those manic eyes, Draco would think he was too energetic to be here. Out of everyone, with Snape somewhat being the exception, he felt bad for Barty. Father told him someone in the Hogwarts Tribe had killed Barty, using their wand to push him into a rock. Then, his best friend Regulus Black met a similar fate. Another spy, like Severus, but unlike Severus, he didn't survive. Regulus tried to get rid of the prophecy, but someone stopped him and he drowned in the sea, unable to swim, being dragged down by the dead soles of Neverland in the Skull Cave. 

"Ecstatic." Draco rolled his eyes, and Barty smiled back with craziness shining from his own.

"Make sure to keep that attitude when you're with Our Lord, Malfoy." Alecto Carrow advised.

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