The Meeting

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You live in the UK. But you don't have a great live. You have depression and you feel like you can't do anything right. Everything is always your fault. The only place you feel a little save is the coffeeshop on the corner of the street.

*your pov*
You're sitting in your favorite coffeeshop on the corner of the street and you're just watching some people on the street. Then suddenly someone comes and sit next to you.
You snap to reality.
'Oh hey' you say when you look at the person.
'Hi I'm Elizabeth' she smiles.
'Hi I'm y/n. Nice to meet you.'
'Do you come here a lot?' She asks with a warm voice.
'Yes, it's my favorite place'
'And you? Do you come here a lot?'
'No, but I guess I will come more often'

'Yes, it's my favorite place''Cool''And you? Do you come here a lot?''No, but I guess I will come more often'

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You smile.
You talk for houres.
'I think I'm going home before my mom makes me stay home for life'
Elizabeth laughes.
'Wanna hang out sometime?'
'Yeah, sure' you smile.
you exchange numbers and then you leave.

When you get home your mom is waiting for you in the livingroom.
'Why are you so late home?!'
'I'm sorry i didn't realise that it was late'
You look at your feets.
'I'm sorry'
You go to your room and lock the door. You lay down on your bed and get tears in your eyes. But then you got a message from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: hey y/n
Y/n: hey Elizabeth
Elizabeth: you can call me Lizzie by the way
Y/n: okay, Lizzie. So why did you send me a message?
Lizzie: oh nothing important. Just wanted to know if you wanna hang out tomorrow. Do you?
Y/n: yes, ofc 11 am?
Lizzie: sure see you then at the coffeeshop
Y/n: okay byee
Lizzie: byeee

You smile.

Lizzie and y/nWhere stories live. Discover now