Stairwell Confessions

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A few months after summer vacation.

"Sasha quit moving so much, I'm going to burn your face", Kaya groaned, hold the hot curling iron in her hand.

"But I'm hungry", she whined trying to put another pretzel in her mouth.

"You can eat at the Reiss's", Kaya huffed, and snatch the pretzels out of her sister's hand. A bold move.

Kaya continued to work on her hair. It was the night of the homecoming dance, and Sasha was a bundle of nerves. Her last experience with a school dance wasn't super stellar.

Connie had left a trail of her favorite snacks in each one of her classes with notes attached to them, where the end was her favorite flavor of Poky and the last note was a question mark. All the notes spelled out "Homecoming with me?"

Sasha immediately said yes. Now she was waiting for another question to say yes too. Which is why she was even more nervous. It was well established at school that her and Connie both really liked each other, but he had yet to ask her to be his girlfriend.

"You know I would bet a $100 that Connie is going to ask you out tonight", Kaya said, as she curled another strand of Sasha's brown hair.

"You think?"

"Of course, the homecoming dance is the perfect romantic opportunity!! Even an idiot like Connie can figure that out"

Sasha took a deep breath in and let Kaya continue on her hair.

*****Springer House*****

"Reiner I'm so nervous!!!" Connie was FaceTime with his friend, as he paced his bedroom floor.

His suit was laid out by his mom, and the corsage in the fridge.

"What if she laughs at me, or says no?" Connie fretted.

"Duuuddeee chill Sasha is totally in to you. Like that's all she talks about in study hall is what you guys did this weekend or a meme you sent her, or just how funny you are. Plus she shows up to every football game with your number painted on her face, and you've been to all her field hockey games." Reiner said reassuringly.

"But why couldn't I have just asked her in September?" Connie said checking his hair in the mirror.

"Because Historia said this would be super romantic and like every teen girls dream, remember just keep being you and you know when the time is right, trust me I'm an expert when it comes to romance" Renier said.

"Is that why you are sharing your date with Ymir?"
Connie asked with a laugh.

"It's called compromise Mr. Springer".

****an hour later, The Blaus house*****

Sasha slipped on the black heels completing her look.

She took a look in the full length mirror in her room. It almost felt poetic to wear the dress she had originally bought for the 8th grade formal. A nice little f*ck you to all of her bullies.

"If they could see me now"

"Saaaaashaaaaaaa, he's here!!!!" Kaya called up from downstairs. No doubt with her iPhone read my for what she called "her grand entrance".

With a small spritz of cherry blossom perfume, she left her room.

Sasha slowly walked down the hall to the stairs, pausing a bit before hitting the balcony that would bring her into the spotlight of her and Connie's families.

Sasha took a deep breath and moved forward.

She was met with rounds of gasps and "ohs and ahs". She immediately noticed Connie, and panicked "why was his back turned? Did he not want to see her?"

How We Met: (Connie x Sasha) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now