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Paul Maddens was a modern-day, real-life Grinch. Which was ironic, seeing as his life-long best friend, Robin Harper, was the largest festive fanatic he had ever met. Though, it hadn't always been so black and white.

He had spent three years in drama school, doing plays that embarrassed the life out of him and the people he loved the most. Though, Robin never kissed one production. His friend, turned scholastic rival, Gordon Shakespeare was a self indulgent prat. Then, his girlfriend, Jennifer Lore, left to work in Hollywood.

Before then, Christmas had been mediocre. Afterwards, there was nothing worse than fairy lights hanging up for a month in the spirit of a baby who may or may not have existed.

Primary school teaching was the thing for him. He had quickly decided. It was easier, more rewarding, and he would have control of his own life finally.

Perhaps it was coincidence that he became a teacher, when his best friend had been one since the age of twenty-three. Robin had always adored children, and music: being St Bernadette's only musical coordinator was a dream come true.

At first, everything had been difficult- considering his girlfriend had abandoned him not long after getting his teaching certificate. But being at the same school as Robin made everything a little easier.

When the nativity came around that first Christmas at St Bernadette's, Paul hadn't turned it down. That was his gravest mistake. Now, every year, he was haunted by that review. The 'minus two star' review.

The one that ruined everything. Not even best friends could fix things like that. It was an irreversible mistake.

And even five years after the review, he was still haunted by it.

Every single day, Paul biked to school. He wore a bright blue helmet, one that matched the frame of his vehicle. He wasn't the fastest, or the most graceful- but it got him from a to b.

And, just as every day for the last five years, Robin greeted him as she left the car park. Though, this day was different. She wasn't alone.

"Morning, Paul." Robin beamed, her bag clutched one hand, a coffee cup in the other.

She ushered along a small boy, though large for his age of eleven. He was one of Mr Maddens' class, and though it wasn't ideal, he was the only year six teacher there that could cope with them all. But more than a student, he was the youngest son of Robin Harper.

"Off you go, Matt." She patted his back, handing him his school folder.

He smiled, meekly, running out of the car park. "Bye, Mum!"

Then, a tall, curly haired boy smiled in a way so similar to Robin it was hard to forget. "Hi, Paul."

"Hey... Jamie? I didn't know you were coming here." He was taken aback by the sight of his eighteen-year-old godson. "I didn't know you were coming here."

"Neither did I." Robin chuckled as they made their way towards the entrance. "He only mentioned it last night."

"That's not true." Jamie tried defending himself, though the attempt was feeble.

"It's for his education course placement. Three day weeks- lucky us."

"You make it sound like a bad thing." The young boy rubbed the back of his neck.

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