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Robin Harper hated airports, for the sole reason that she hated aeroplanes. Everything about them invoked hatred, because they took something she could never get back. They took away her husband.

Nonetheless, because she supported Paul in everything that he did, she was there saying her goodbyes. He had never been to America before, and of course, now was the right time.

It was an unfortunate thing that Mr Poppy decided to turn up. But, thankfully it was after they had left.

Jamie had said goodbye first, wrapping his arms around his godfather. It was weird not having him there. He had never not been there.

"Gonna miss you, Paul." Jamie mumbled into his shoulder.

He smiled. "I'll miss you too."

"But don't you dare get back with Jennifer." The young boy glared his way, seriously. "I mean it."

"I know you do."

"So don't."

"I won't."

Then it was Robin's turn, and she was very nervous. She couldn't explain why, but it was the whole experience of saying goodbye to Paul in an airport mirrored a past memory. A bad memory.

"Don't you dare get hurt." Robin threatened, though it came out soft. "You hear me?"

"I won't." He promised. He knew what it had been like, as he had dealt with the aftermath of Lewis' death. He had dealt with Robin and her two sons being left alone. "I won't."

"And I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

Robin kissed his cheek, lightly. "Bye, then."

"Yeah." Paul offered a sheepish smile. "Bye."

"Love you." Robin called timidly as he edged towards the terminal.

"Love you too."

All of the things that bad once been platonic weren't anymore. Robin knew that she felt differently, and so much more so than he did. Love was common between the two of them, but now live meant something more.

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Jamie Harper knew his mother better than he ever admitted. He had always been a mummy's boy, having only been eight when his father passed away. He didn't really remember him, but knowing that she was there meant it didn't effect him very much.

He knew that she always got sad around Christmas, even though she loved it more than any other event. He knew Elf was her favourite film, a festive occasion or not, and he knew that marshmallows were a must in hot chocolate. And he also knew that aeroplanes made her upset, and that all of the things he knew about her would have to be used to cheer her up.

So the night that Paul left for Hollywood, Jamie had recruited Matt to help him make a special night for their mum.

Elf blasted through the television speakers as the three Harpers cuddled up together. The blanket they were beneath was so warm that the Winter cold didn't bother them much at all.

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