Labeled (Vance)

904 8 47

AU: this is angst till the very end.

word count:852 


TW:Slut shaming, gore

"Thanks for tonight Vance"I said getting into his truck 

"Yea yea, whatever"He said

"Um are you okay"i asked

"Yea"He said

"do you want me to drive? you look tired"I said

"No, a girl like you could never drive a truck"He said turning the car one

"Excuse me?"i asked, i was dominate and i had proven many times anything a boy can do a girl can do too, maybe even better

"Yea, a little hoe like you could never drive this thing"He said

I smacked him

"Don't refer me to 'hoe'"i told him

"Fine whore"He said and started driving

"Whore?! What the fuck?"I asked him

"Why can't you just be like any other chick and freaking just like the name"He said frustrated

"Cause im not like any other 'chick'"I told him

"Your so fucking complicated"He said

"You knew what you were getting into"i said

"Whatever, i changed my mind"He said

"You knew before that i was dominate as fuck, now you just want me to act all soft for you! Sure your my boyfriend but i dont give a fuck about that! I was just offering to drive cause you seem tired and you call me a hoe! Like what if i called you a wallet?"I asked

"You wouldn't have the nerve"He said

"Fine you fucking Manwhore!"I said

"I regret getting with you so much right now!"He screamed and slammed his breaks

"Well maybe you should go cry to your other hoe!"I said

"I dont have another 'hoe'!"He said

"Say that to Karrlee and Samantha and Taylor!"I screamed

"Those are just side chicks!"He screamed

"I cant fucking believe you right now!"I said

"Well maybe you shouldn't take everything to heart!"He screamed

"I don't! You just make everything sound awful!"I yelled at him

"Fuck you Y/N L/N"He said slamming his hands on the tire wheel

"I should've known what i was getting into, shit you love that pinball machine more then you ever loved me!"I screamed 

my eyes were tearing up, i was emotional and all but i promised myself i would never cry over a stupid lover,

"Im leaving"I said and tried to open the door but he locked it

I put the thingy up and opened the door but Vance grabbed me by my arm and his knife and carved his name onto my arm

"Vance! That hurts! Stop it!"I pleaded

"There now go you little shit, your mine. You have your label"And with that he sped up.

I looked down at my arm and it was bleeding 'Vance <3' on it

I walked home crying over the pain, he cut it deep. 

When i got home my mom must've been at some dudes house again so i grabbed the first aid kit then put a massive bandage over it then got the other spots with smaller bandages. It was now fully covered and i took my tyonoel and drifted to sleep.

When i woke up i had to run to grab-n-go so i put my hoodie on and my converses knowing Vance is gonna be there trying to beat his pinball score.I put my hoodie on and made sure my shirt covered my bandages also

I headed out and when i got to grab-n-go i put my hood up then got what i needed and payed. 

"Hey babe got any quaters?"Vance asked before i headed out

"Not any for you"I said then rushed out of there knowing i was being followed by him. I was getting parinoid so i started running. 

When i got to my house i locked every door and closed every window and made sure the curtains closed them

I started sobbing knowing i didn't need a toxic realtionship like this but i had no idea how to end it, suddenly pounding came from the door

"Y/n open this door before i break it down"Vance yelled

I was debating on opening it or hiding, i decided on peaking from our hole in the door

"This the best you gonna get buddy, what the hell do you want"I asked him

"You"He said simply

"Sorry but no, this can't keep happening Vance we simply just keep fighting then getting back together for whatever reason, i can't keep doing this"i told him

"You can't, i have my name on you, your labeled"He said

"theres also something called fondation buddy, buh-bye"I said

"Y/n pleaseee let me in"Vance pleaded

"I need an apology for everything first buddy, i got time"I said

"Thats to much!"He said

"exactly, to much shit has happened so now i want you to go away before i call the cops."I said

It stayed quiet assuming he left i began to sob, but then i heard a window break

"WHAT THE FUCK!"I screamed seeing Vance coming in through the laundary room

"What? I needed in"He said shrugging

"You just broke a fucking window!"I said

"Whatever"He said then sat next to me and smothered me then started listing a list of what he was sorry for

"Can you just not refer to me as hoe whore nor slut please"I asked him

"Yea, sorry about that"He said

"Just dont do it again"I said

"Can i see my name?"He asked

"Its bandaged up"I said

"I still wanna see it"He said

"Fine"I said and ripped the bandages off and it revealed his name with a heart. it was now a scab. 

"I like it, badass"he said

"Sure"I said then falling asleep from all this drama

One shots and Prefrences with the black phone peoplesWhere stories live. Discover now