If the kidnappings happened in modern day

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AU: mentions of sexual assult! If anything is ever going on at home please tell an adult or someone you trust for your own good <3

In general

-there is no black phone, its a flip phone with no service

-the basement has a door to open and close for the bathroom:)

-the grabber puts a water dispenser in the basement with water and eggs so he doesn't have to feed them

Griffen's kidnapping

-died :(

-did the math and only drank this much water every day

-stayed in the basement for 3 weeks till death

-he was the grabber's "experiment"

-did kart wheels to calm him down

-hid in the bathroom

-he tried sooo many times to call his mom even though there was no service

Billy's Kidnapping

-died :(

-drank half his water one day and the rest the next 3 days

-stayed in the basement for 1 week till death

-played on the flip phone

-grabber tried to SA him but he kicked him off and he made the grabber mad so that's how he died

-thought of his dog an awful lot

-When Samson had to come down to the basement he had a soft spot for billy

Vance's Kidnapping


-drank all his water in one sitting

-stayed in the basement till Finney got out

-stayed in the freezer, the grabber thought he would die in there

-the grabber successfully SA him, twice (I'm sorry for that bro)

-punched the walls from the freezer trying to get out

-he didn't even see the flip phone

-was the reason the grabber started wearing a mask cause he beat the shit out of him

Bruce's kidnapping

-died :(

-drank none of his water

-died after 2 days

-the first thing he saw was the flip phone

-called everyone he knew but no one answered, he didn't notice there was no service

-tried to break the window by throwing pebbles, causing him to get beaten

-heard Vance banging on the wall and tried to break Vance out, causing his death

-was veryyy stubborn

-kicked the grabber in the balls when he tried to beat him

Robin's Kidnapping


-just disappeared

-stayed till Finey got out

-he hid everywhere he could and soon the grabber just got some new kid

-had it the best out of all the victims

-hid in the mattress and sneaked out to get water and food.

-never let his bandanna out of sight, it was his dad's

Finney's Kidnapping


-Last victim

-stayed in the basement for a week

-thought he heard Robin's voice telling him to fight so he did so

-when he found Robin he sobbed

-his food and water would always end up missing

-beat the shit out of the grabber

-did not attempt escape 

-thought of Gwenny the whole time

-when he saw Griffen's body he threw up

-dug the freezer and saw Vance

One shots and Prefrences with the black phone peoplesWhere stories live. Discover now