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"Alastor, its good to see you!" Mimzy exclaimed as Alastor bent down and gave her a brief hug. It was one of the rare moments he allowed such contact.

"It's always a pleasure my dear." Alastor chuckled.

"I can't wait to meet everyone." Mimzy took Alastor's arm as he escorted her through the lobby.

"I'm sure they'll like you as much as I do, darling! I find your company most enjoyable."

"Oh Alastor, you flatter me~" Mimzy cooed in a teasing tone one might use among good friends.

"Charlie!" Alastor called as he saw the princess, bringing Mimzy up to her with him, "Charlie, I would like to introduce you to a dear friend on mine, Mimzy. She runs a very fine club, and is a remarkable business woman."

"It's an honor to meet you, Princess~" Mimzy gave Charlie a curtsy.

"O-Oh there's no need for that." Charlie blushed a bit at the greeting, not used to people greeting her respectfully, instead of like a total joke.

"So you and Alastor are business partners?" Mimzy asked, a natural at starting polite conversation. It was a vital skill for her line of business, which constantly required her to be able to talk to people.

"Yeah um, he's been a big help in getting the word out."

"I bet he has~ if there's anything Alastor is good at, it's marketing. He's the reason my club ever became a success." Mimzy turned and flashed a smile at the deer she held the arm of, "I'd have never gotten it off the ground without him."

"Darling, it's always a pleasure to help you!"

Charlie was confused by what she was witnessing. She had never seen Alastor's act so chummy towards anyone, then again she hadn't known him for very long. Perhaps Alastor acted so comfortable around this Mimzy because they shared history together...or there was the other option. Mimzy could be one of the souls Alastor had under a contract, but then why would she seem so cheery around him? Despite their contract, Husk acted more bitter towards Alastor than anyone else at the hotel, even with Angel Dust flirting with him all the time.

"So Princess," Mimzy turned to Charlie, "I have to ask, what got the Princess of Hell to start a hotel to redeem sinners? Seems a bit ironic to me, no disrespect intended of course, but I'm sure you can see why that would seem strange."

"Oh, it's alright! I understand how it might seem strange for the Devil's daughter to wanna redeem human souls." Charlie chuckled, "Truth is I've just always been the type to believe in the best of people, even if they are damned. I guess its just what happens when you're born with a father who teaches you to be stubborn and fight for what you want, and a mother who teaches you to be strong and confident, but I would fight tooth and mail for this hotel."

"That's...really moving." Mimzy wasn't lying, she found Charlie's sentiment rather touching, "It must be true if you're letting Alastor stay here."

"Oh, Alastor's made it clear he's not here to be redeemed, but he's agreed to help me run the hotel, so he stays."

"Honestly, I'm not surprised." Mimzy rolled her eyes, "He's always been a bit weird that way."

"I'm right here." Alastor stated with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh shush up Alastor, never interrupt a couple of ladies when they're talking about you." Mimzy took on a teasing tone, "Thats how they gossip about all those dirty secrets they've found out about you ~"

"Ha ha ha." Alastor rolled his eyes.

"Hey Al!" Angel came over, eyes curiously looking him and Mimzy up and down, "I didn't know ya knew Mimzy!"

"Angel!" Mimzy smiled and hugged the spider, "Oh my goodness! I am so happy to see you!"

"You two know each other?" Alastor and Charlie asked at the same time.

"Yeah uh- Mimzy's kinda dating' my bestie." Angel Dust hugged the small woman and looked at them, "Ya know, Cherri Bomb?"

Mimzy giggled, "It's true. Cherri introduced me to Angel hear not longer after we started out relationship."

"...I didn't realize-" Alastor was cut off by Husk shouting curses at the top of his lungs, accompanied by Vaggie shouting and rapid Spanish.

Everyone turned to see Husk and Vaggie chasing Alastor's Shadow and KeeKee, who were each covered in a mess of food. Vaggie and Husk were both a mess as well, and Vaggie was even holding one of her spears as they chased after them, obviously pissed beyond all reason. The Shadow had an armload of baked goods and appeared to be cackling as it easily avoided Vaggie's spear.

"My word..." Mimzy muttered, "This place is much more interesting than I thought."

"I am going to murder that creature." Alastor hissed.

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