the running

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Sometime, competition ruin friendship and is totally useless.

Hefty run faster but know that it was totally useless. He gonna win anyway ? In fact, he does that to escape from the danger and the earthquakes starting to happen, it was all really very strange.

After a while he could see the line coming. He was the first !!! He won !!! He won the smurfic game !

Handy couldn't was hurt...why those fucking rock was falling anyway ??? What was that ???
After a moment, earthquakes finally stopped...everything seems to be okay, exept him.
"Why nobody came...?:

In the village, everyone started to be nervous, the only smurfs who came back from the running were Hefty and Clumsy.
" Gosh, Handy wasn't suppose to be with us ?"
After he saying that, Hefty wanted to yell at him. Of course he was suppose to be with them, he was behind him ! He knew it !
" Papa smurf, it is so horrible " cry Smurfette "What if something bad was happen to him ?"
" Don't worry Smurfette " answer Papa who was also very worried. " We gonna make search."

Handy tried to escape or move so bad. But he can't, it was impossible for him. Also, he had some difficulties for breath.
" Fucking competition ! Fuck you Hefty and Clumsy...I hope that you enjoyed yours victories..."
Then he pass out.

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